Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Stocking Up

I bought food today. A lot of food. As I was thinking through my nearly 5,000 calorie a day diet, I was freaking out a bit. It's just so much food. I've told many people that by the end of the day, I am just tired of chewing because of all the food.

But I've had difficulty in the past few weeks of trying to buy enough food. It seems I'm always at the grocery store, restocking all of the food I've eaten. I decided to end that today by stocking up on everything. I spent a little more money, but got what I think will be enough to feed me for the week. People do look at you funny though when you buy the box of five dozen eggs.

(A Picture Of My Shopping Cart)

Stocking up in food has created a situation where I'm not going to have to go back to the grocery store, but I feel like I try to do this with other parts of my life that won't work.

In faith, we can't just "stock up" and leave it alone for several days and coast. We have to constantly be going to the source of our spiritual nutrition to be fed and grown into fully matured believers. If we stop going to the source - yes, even for a day - we will start to fall. There's not any sort of stocking up we can do.

I'm not saying you have to go to church every day (though I do know church is important). What I'm saying is that daily, we as believers need to be growing, not falling away from, God. And, trust me, you're doing one or the other at all times.

Today was a great day of rest when I took a lot of time to make sure my relationship with God is still growing. I challenge all of us (myself included) to do that every day.

Till next time,
Peace and much love.

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