Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Texts with God

The past two weeks have been a little crazy for me. Last week, I was informed that I will be wrestling at the Saturday Night Special at Ohio Valley Wrestling. If OVW had pay-per-views, the Saturday Night Special would be the pay-per-view. Now, let me be the first to say that I am not even close to worthy of this honor. I'm not. But circumstances have worked themselves to allow me to have a match next Saturday at the special, and for that I'm very grateful and blessed. But, in order to be as least awful as I can be, I've been trying to do everything I can to work my hardest and do my absolute best. But today, I was reminded about something that I needed to be reminded of. 

I was on my way to training, and I texted a mentor of mine to let him know I would be late because I had been held up helping someone train at the gym. Below is the communication we had back and forth. His response to my message was quite startling and meant the world to me. 

(The text conversation between me and my mentor.)

This message was one of the coolest I've ever received in my life. To most people, I'm sure it seems short and not really worth much thought, but to me, here's what it means:
I would much rather you be here safe and late than for you to be rushing to try to get here on time and something happen to you because of it. You staying safe is more important than wrestling. 

See, if I got hurt on my way to wrestling, I wouldn't be able to wrestle anyway. So, me getting there exactly on time isn't nearly as important as me getting there safely. Without my health, it's just not possible for me to perform as a wrestler.

Every day, we are faced with the same dilemma. It seems like most everyone I observe is flying through life getting from one appointment, rehearsal, practice, game, event, job, or meeting to another. From the moment we wake up to the moment we fall asleep, it seems all of our time is taken and we have to keep our rears in gear to make it and be successful at everything we have going on. But I think if we're honest, I think most of us would have a texting conversation with God that looks like the one below.

People, what's the point of living if you're not going to live with the One who gives you true life? Just like in wrestling how without my health, I cannot really wrestle; without Jesus, you cannot truly live. It's just not possible to live your best life and get everything out of it when you're never making time for the One who created life in the first place. What are your priorities? Are you running from one place to the next, never taking time to stop and really see what God has for you, never taking time to read the Bible and pray and talk with Him? If so, then you're not really living, you're just going through the motions of what people say life should be. Stop kidding yourself. To say, "Jesus is Lord of my life", but never to spend time with Him is a complete joke. And to say you're really living without the One who created life in the first place is just as bad. 

Stop going through the motions. Understand there are more important things than your next meeting and realize you cannot truly live unless you're connected with the One who created life. What do you choose: Living life to the fullest, or packing your schedule so full that you don't have to face the fact that you're not really living at all?

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10 NIV)

For gaining muscle, a good guideline to follow is to everyday, consume 1 gram of protein for every pound you would like to weigh. For instance, if you weigh 193 pounds, but you would like to weigh 200 pounds, you should consume around 200 grams of protein daily - along with an intense exercise regimen. 

Till next time homies, 
Peace and much love. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Bloody Aftermath from Mayhem in the Cage

On Saturday night of this past weekend, Ohio Valley Wrestling (www.ovwrestling.com) traveled to London, KY for a ten year anniversary show at the London Optimist Club. It was a great show with a packed crowd and the highlight of the night was a steel cage match. Doug Williams, the Ohio Valley Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion defended his title against James "Moose" Thomas. It was pretty insane. Right from the beginning, Doug and Moose were trading blows and throwing each-other back and forth against the cage. The crowd "oohed" and "aaahed" and cringed with every devastating run in these two had with the cage. When all was said and done, Doug held onto his title. 

(Moose, Doug, and Ref Chris Sharpe in the steel cage.)

Now, I'll say my involvement with this event was pretty minimal. I helped set up everything and I helped sell merchandise and a few other odd jobs. I wasn't really too into it all - that is, until the steel cage match was over. As Doug was walking backstage, another OVW employee looked at me and said, "Doug's back is split open". Having seen what these two had done to each-other, I wasn't too surprised. The cage is really fencing that is strapped together. So, there are lots of loose ends and pieces hanging off that could really cause some damage if hit the wrong way. I'm first aid certified, so I ran backstage to see if Doug was okay. What I saw was pretty intense. Doug was sitting on the stairs backstage, his back dripping with blood. When asked what happened, Doug said that when he was exiting the cage at the end of the match, a piece of it caught him on the back. 

Everyone was scrambling, trying to decide what to do. When I walked to the back, I said, "I have a medical kit in my car and I'm first aid certified. Do you want me to clean you up and bandage it?" Doug said, "That would be great". I ran to my car, got my kit and ran back to help him out. Below, you can see a picture of Doug's back and me cleaning him up. 

(Doug Williams' back and my hands, about to clean and sterilize the wound.)

The funny thing though is that when I had returned with my kit, someone else was in the middle of putting on concession stand gloves and was about to wipe off Doug's cut with paper towels that had been sitting in the concession stand. This might have done the job, and Doug may have been clean, but he definitely wouldn't have been sanitized. That cage is disgusting and there's no telling what kind of germs could collect on paper towels left sitting open in a concession stand. The equipment I used sterilized Doug's cut. The sterile gauze and Iso Quin gel not only made Doug look better, but it truly took care of whatever germs or infection had gotten down into his skin. 

In our lives, there are lots of things we can do to make ourselves look pretty "clean". We can choose to not participate in any major sin, or in any sin that we may get caught doing. We can choose to show up to church on Sundays and Wednesdays and do and say all the right things to the right people. But how is your heart? When people look at you, are they seeing someone who is clean and only looks good on the outside, or are they seeing someone who is truly pure inside and out? Has God changed your heart, or are you just doing a bunch of work to make everyone believe that you are what you say you are?

This week, during my Bible study using the "Through the Word" app (which I HIGHLY recommend for anyone), a quote was given. The pastor said, "Religion means doing 'Godly' things for yourself. Relationship means doing selfless things for God."Which one do you have? Do you have religion - which makes you look really clean, but is truly selfish, or do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ which will truly come into your life and make you pure - inside and out?

Don't live a "clean" life. Live a pure one. Don't work hard to look good on the outside, but let God work in you to make you truly good both inside and out.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 (NIV)

Looking for a different exercise for your biceps? I have recently begun to loathe working out my biceps simply because I feel like every single move is a curl. Here's a new one my friend, RJ, told me about: The Underhand Grip Bench Press.
Lay down on a flat barbell bench press. Instead of gripping the bar overhand, as in the classic bench press, grip it with an underhand grip (your thumbs pointing outward instead of inward). Make sure you have a spotter, unrack the barbell, and lower the bar to your chest and push back up in this underhanded grip. Make sure your lowering motion is extremely slow and controlled and you explode and power into it when you push up. It may feel awkward at first, but there's not a single bicep move I currently enjoy more. 

Till next time homies, 
Peace and much love. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Most Terrifying Man I Know

A lot of people consider me a "big guy". Especially when I'm working with kids, I feel sometimes like a huge monster. Sometimes they even tell me that they think I'm kind of scary because I'm just such a large person. But, that's to a kid. To me, I'm not some giant, but to them, I'm something that is huge and intimidating. In our lives, we have to remember that we are all "kids". We are going to face things that seem huge and intimidating to us, but to God, it's nothing at all. Let me introduce you to someone who has become a friend and mentor recently. His name is Rob Terry. Below is a picture of me and Rob together. 

(Me with Rob Terry. Rob is staring me down.)

Now, Rob stands at 6'7" and weighs 320 pounds. Rob Terry wrestles for both Ohio Valley Wrestling and Total Nonstop Action (TNA) Wrestling. To anyone, he is a big dude. The picture above is of Rob staring me down, and if I didn't know him, I would be absolutely terrified. To be honest, I was a bit afraid even though I do know him. If Rob wanted to, he could destroy me. There is nothing I could do to harm him. If I hit him, he wouldn't even feel it. If I tried to put him in a restraint or a hold, he would throw me off. He could pick me up above his head and snap me in half. But isn't that weird? To some people, I'm a big guy, but to Rob, I'm absolutely no competition whatsoever. 

(Me and Rob. Rob is about to destroy me with a right fist. 
I'm flexing like I have any muscle whatsoever to be proud of at this point.)

So, what's my point with all this? Of course Rob could absolutely destroy me. Even though I'm a "big guy" to some people, I'm not to him. But why does that even matter? In my life lately, there have been some people who are very dear to me who are going through some really tough times. There's a little girl from my church named Madden who just had a tumor removed from her brain. Now, after the surgery, she's having trouble with her sight. It's a tough time for her, her mom and dad, and her siblings. One of my ministry partners, Jeff, has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and it has spread to his lymph-nodes. It's a tough time for him, his wife, and his kids. Then there's a man named Don who means a lot to me. He and his wife have supported me literally since the beginning of my ministry - 13 years ago. Don has been battling thyroid cancer and now has had his thyroid removed. The doctors are hopeful, but still - what a tough situation for him, his wife, his children, and his grandchildren. These seem like huge situations to all of us down here on earth. And you know what, they are huge. The things these people are going through are awful and none of us wish it upon anyone - not even our worst enemies. And for any of us to handle these situations would be impossible. No human has the cure for cancer. It's really tough to be absolutely helpless in these situations, but what's really cool is that God is just like Rob Terry.

To God, our problems are like I am to Rob. Rob knows he can destroy me by lifting his pinky finger, and God knows He can tackle any of our problems with a single whisper. On our own, we can accomplish absolutely nothing, but with God, all things are possible. People, no matter what you are going through, God is bigger than it. Many of you know I've battled depression, addictions, and a myriad of other negative situations in my life. The only way I got through it all was with God. It might sound cliche or dumb, but it's the truth. If in your life you are battling something, maybe it's time to stop doing the fighting on your own and let God fight for you. Let the real Big Man step in and destroy whatever it is that's got you down. He is the only one who can handle it.

Let me end with a tiny story about how I got the pictures with Rob. Amateur wrestlers asking for pictures with the actual professionals is somewhat frowned upon, so I was really nervous to ask Rob to take the pictures with me. However, I explained the situation to him and told him the stories of Don, Jeff, and Madden. Immediately, he said, "Of course you can have the pictures. I'll do absolutely anything to help you out with this". Rob is an amazing guy - both inside and outside of the ring, and I'm very proud to say that I know him.  God is the same way. We've got to ask. He may not always answer in the way we want, but if we don't ask, how can we hear His answer?

This post is dedicated to Jeff, Don, and Madden. I ask that you pray for them as they go through their treatments and recovery. And when you pray, please pray believing that God is big enough to conquer it all. Have the faith that God is in control and ask Him to take care of these people and their situations.

To Don, Madden, Jeff, and anyone out there going through something tough: Stay strong. Remember that God is bigger than any "opponent" you're facing.

"For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37 NLT)

Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press
This is an excellent move - especially if you've been locked into the normal barbell bench press for quite some time. Grab two dumbbells of equal weight. Lay on a flat bench and lift both weights in the air as if you're going to do a normal dumbbell bench press. However, instead of lowering both weights at the same time, lower only one side, keeping the other side in the air. Raise the lowered weight back up using a bench press motion and then lower and raise the other side in the same fashion, keeping the other weight extended in the air. Repeat the motion back and forth so that each side gets 6-8 reps. You'll be amazed at how this isolation of the two sides will cause your overall chest strength to increase.

Till next time homies,
Peace and much love

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Results of the Slobber Knocker/Enter Phase 3

I won! I'm currently an undefeated Ohio Valley Wrestler. I've only had two matches, but my second match was a Battle Royal - meaning there were several wrestlers in the ring all fighting at the same time and I won it all! It was an absolute blast. Thanks to those of you who came out to watch or supported me by buying tickets. You all are the best. Below, I've got some of my favorite pictures from the night. They were taken by my friend, Debra. (Thanks Debra!!!)

(Me before the match began - mingling with the crowd.) 

(Some fans with signs they made for the night.) 

(My mom with her sign. She didn't want to see me get hurt.)

(My entrance music was blaring, and I came out - high fiving the crowd and getting pumped!) 

 (Me putting Jonathan "Ram Jam" Ramser in a headlock.)

(Me with former WWE Superstar Nick "Ugene" Dinsmore in head scissors.) 

(Me body slamming Jonathan "Ram Jam" Ramser.)

(Me taunting Nick and Jonathan after they fell out of the ring.) 

(Jonathan "Ram Jam" Ramser getting his revenge on me by putting me in a back stretcher.) 

(Nick "Ugene" Dinsmore and I as the final two left in the Battle Royal.) 

(Me blessing the crowd after I won the Battle Royal.)

 (My fellow classmates, Nick Dinsmore and I all taking a bow at the end of the show.)

It was a great night and I was so blessed to have such a huge turnout for me as well as everyone staying safe. We had a blast and we have all said it's one of the best moments we've had in our entire lives. 

So What Next?
People have asked me what the next phase of Becoming Bane is. I've thought long and hard and there will be two parts. 
1. I am continuing in professional wrestling. OVW has actually told me I'm ready for the advanced class, and so I'm beginning those classes, learning more, and will hopefully be performing more soon.
2. It's time to begin helping others meet their fitness goals. 

There have been many people asking about what they can do to improve in the fitness aspects of their lives, and it's time that I and my team begin helping anyone who wants to do better. So, every week, check back for a "fitness tip of the week" as well as stories from wrestling class and of course - a word from God's Word and how it all relates. I hope that we can all continue to grow closer to the Lord on this journey together. 

Thank you all for your constant support, kind words, and well-wishes. I can't wait to see where God's going to take us all next!!!

Till next time homies,
Peace and much love!