Saturday, October 13, 2012

Hitting the Wall

Today at bootcamp, my body finally told me it'd had enough. I used lighter weight even than what I was used to in the class, and my body still shut down. As we were on our 80th push-up, I felt my chest heave and I gave one of those pre-vomit burps. But I couldn't stop. I was in the class with everyone else and they were all watching. There's no way I could give up. So I swallowed the spit in my mouth and kept pushing.

Next was my shoulders. Using only five pound weights and doing shoulder raises, I began to feel my shoulder click. The pain was pretty intense - with just five pound weights! I dropped my arms to my sides and told Kathy (the awesome boot camp instructor) that my shoulders were bothering me and I wouldn't be able to keep doing the shoulder moves.

Finally was my breathing. We were doing line sprints (also called suicide sprints) in the gym. I'm typically the leader in this drill and today was no different. However, when we stopped, I could not catch my breath. It took several minutes for my body to finally recover and feel up to par again. Sure, I kept going with all the moves everyone else was doing, but I was tired. My body finally has had enough.

It has been one month through the program and I could not be happier with the results. Official weigh-ins and one month pictures are coming tomorrow, so be sure to check back with that. On Monday, I begin a new plan so that my body doesn't become used to the things I'm doing. I have to trust that by Monday, I'll be good to lift again. I have to trust my team who is telling me to rest and just have faith in them that they know what they're talking about. They've proven themselves time and time again, but it's hard for me to take a day off. I've got to though. Something has to change. All of that is to say this...

Sometimes, our spiritual lives get pretty stale. We keep doing the same things over and over and over and in the end, we're just damaging ourselves. Maybe now is the time to do something different and new and exciting with your faith. Trust God to provide for you in a new way. Do something you never thought was possible. Lead the group you don't think you're qualified to lead. Rest and find peace in God when you feel like there's absolutely no time to slow down. Talk to that friend who might reject you for talking about Jesus. Step out boldly. Live extreme. Live like a child and look on your faith with wonder anew every single moment of every single day.

Don't become old and stale. Don't let your spiritual self begin to ache with the pains of becoming stagnant. Push through. Don't hit the wall. Climb over it. Better yet, move the wall out of your way. Revitalize your faith.

"I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Matthew 17:20b (NLT)

Boot camp

Check in tomorrow for all the official updates!!!
Till then,
Peace and much love.

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