Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Only Thing That Matters

I have been dreading today for quite some time. Trying to figure out how to have a sufficient workout while you're away from any professional equipment or real motivation and having a lack of sleep has all been on my mind leading up to today. I knew that today would bring its challenges for my ultimate goal, and I am afraid to lose any days of my schedule. But today taught me about something.

This morning as I was leaving, one of my students asked if he could run with me. To be quite honest, I was not excited to hear that question. I knew that my pace would be slower and I would have to worry about taking care of that student while I was running. Working out is a relaxing time for me, and so to worry about someone else takes away a distinct piece of its purpose in my life. Though I was hesitant, I allowed the student to run with me. We started off, and I was right. The pace was less than desirable.

We were running and the student also began to complain of ankle hurting as well. So here I am, outside on a road with a student who wasn't running as fast as I wanted and who was hurting. In that moment, I had only one thought. And the thought was quite surprising to me.

That thought was this: There is no place I would rather be than right now than right here with this guy.

See, what I had failed to remember was that only one thing in this life really matters, and that's love. I can say with 100% confidence that I love my students. They are absolutely incredible and though he was hurting and slower than what I wanted, I loved being around him. I loved being able to spend time with him. Why? Because I love the kid.

In light of all the hope of my future success, I sometimes forget to keep the truly important things important. That is really sad to me. In the end, if I get huge like Bane and accomplish every goal I want, but have no one to share that success with and be excited with about it all, then what good is it?

Think about this in your own life. If you gain everything, but you lose everyone, is it worth it? I hope you would answer that question with a definite "No!".

Just remember that in this life, only one thing will remain. Only one thing can withstand all of the trials and tribulations and downfalls of this world - love.

Never give up on love. The fight is well worth it.

"Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT)

TRX Band Workout
MAX Reps of each
TRX Push Ups
TRX Rows
TRX Shoulder Raises
TRX Curls
TRX Tricep Extensions
TRX Back Flies

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