Wednesday, December 19, 2012


(This is a picture of the x-ray machine that was used on me today)

If you read yesterday's post, you know that I had to go this morning to get my finger x-rayed. It has been hurting for about a week now, and yesterday I really agitated it during a lift. So this morning at 9am, I went over to see my good friend Dr. Young at Middletown Internal Medicine. We sat and talked about my finger and he examined it. There's slight swelling, but the biggest indicator of something wrong is how tender my finger is. I can bend it pretty well, even though it's stiff, but when someone touches the joint or the bone, it really does not feel good. He had several different theories of what could be wrong, but couldn't identify it 100% without being able to see inside. So Dr. Young ordered an x-ray. I can guess and read the internet and self-diagnose and everything else, but the only person who can really tell me what's wrong is Dr. Young. And the only way he can really know is by looking on the inside. I can freak myself out thinking the worst or I can calm myself down and not give enough concern, but until Dr. Young tells me what's wrong, I can't know for sure. 

Someone asked me recently why God would much rather give us a "compass" than show us a map and tell us where we're going to end up. What this means is God will show us what direction to go right now, but He won't really show us where we're going to end up. When we read stories in the Bible, we see that's generally how God works. We see it in the story of Abraham of Jonah and of Paul amongst countless others. So why would God do that? Why not just tell us where we're gonna end up and show us the path to get there? I think it has a lot to do with the same thing as my x-ray. 

See, God is the only One who can tell us what's going on. He's the only One who can see inside us. And I think the reason He doesn't show us everything at once comes down to one thing. God wants you to end up where He wants you. But that's only part of it. He doesn't just want you to end up there. He wants you to get there His way, not yours. Why is that? Because He is the only One who can see inside you and "diagnose" you and fix you into the person He wants you to be. But after He diagnoses you, He wants you to follow His treatment plan. 

If all Dr. Young did was tell me what was wrong with me, there would be all sorts of ways I'd be able to fix myself. If he told me it was a broken finger, I could tape it up, disregard it, splint it, go to another doctor, or any number of other things. But he told me what to do in different scenarios and we'll follow whatever plan He has whenever we have a final diagnosis. God is exactly the same way. He wants to show us what to fix and then fix it His way. With each day comes a different diagnosis and a different treatment plan. He won't show you the end, but He will show you what He wants from you today. Follow the plans He shows you and you'll always be right where He wants you. 

Don't worry about the end. Just think about today. Tomorrow has enough to worry about on its own. Don't just get to the end cause that's not the only goal. Get there His way. 

"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT)

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." (Matthew 6:34 NLT)

"For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so my ways are higher than your ways
    and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:9 NLT)

Till next time homies,
Just keep swimming,
Peace and much love. 

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