Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sources of Strength

Today I began using a creatine supplement. I was very hesitant to say the least. There have been a lot of stories lately of athletes using creatine who have suffered serious side effects and even death from the misuse of creatine. So, while I was excited about the positive effects of creatine, I was very nervous about the negatives. If you don't know (which I didn't until it was explained to me), what creatine does is supply muscles with energy to work harder. The creatine supplement ensures that the muscles never run out of ATP (our body's energy source) to keep pumping and fueling our workouts. This creatine supply also helps to enlarge muscles by adding water to them. While an initial size growth in the muscles is typically water weight, the actual muscles grow over time due to the fact that workouts can be more intense with the power supply fueled by the creatine. There are some negative side effects, but if you control your dosage and listen to someone who knows what they're talking about (like Derek for me), then you'll be just fine and creatine will work wonders.

However, while the creatine is supposed to give longevity and power to my workouts, I noticed something today. What really fuels me is my music and the music that really fuels me is worship music. It probably doesn't make sense to many people, and I honestly didn't realize it fully until today. But what happens to me is this: I put on a worship song that has gotten me through a tough time and it amps me up. I can think back to the time I was listening to it and how God showed up and did amazing things when I thought all hope was lost. Again, I know that to many of you this may sound crazy or stupid, but to me it's very real. See, I dance and jump and get a little crazy at the gym. It earns me a lot of strange looks and whispered comments, but it also causes people to ask me what I'm listening to. While I do have some strange artists (like Justin Bieber) on my workout playlist, a lot of it is Christian music. So when people ask, I tell them what song I'm listening to. They ask, "How do you get so into it when it's worship music?" And I explain that God has shown me what real strength is. And that's the truth.

I may have gotten stronger, but what's amazing to me is that even when I was weak physically, God was still right there with me providing all my strength. Today, I might think I'm strong, but I would be nothing without Him. So what fuels my workouts? It's not the creatine or the music. It's God, and I truly believe that.

He doesn't need us. We desperately need Him. When we let Him take over, we have the ultimate source of strength.

"The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you." (Romans 8:11 NLT)

***Phase 1 of "Becoming Bane" ends on Tuesday, January 1, 2013. 
There are more plans in the works to continue, so stay posted for more details!!!***

Would you like your own workout program designed and catered to your own goals?
Derek, who designed a lot of the "Becoming Bane" program, and I are taking orders! 
Simply send an email to and briefly state your goals. 
We will reply back promptly and help design a program just for you! 

Arms 12/26/12

Superset 4x6
Chinup - 30 pound dumbbell attached
Close grip bench press - 160 pounds

Forearm rope climb - 25 pounds

Dumbbell triceps extension - 100 pound dumbbell (3x12)
Preacher curl  - 80 pound preacher bar (3x10)

Dumbbell twists
20 pound dumbbells x 25

Dumbbells curls - 60 pound dumbbells (5x5)
Tricep dips - 90 pound dumbbell attached (5x8)

Dumbbell wrist curls
20 pound dumbbells x 10 overhand
20 pound dumbbells x 10 underhand

Superset 2x12
Skull crusher - 80 pounds
Single arm cable curl - 50 pounds

Barbell wrist curls
Bar x 25

Dumbbell hammer curls - 55 pound dumbbells (5x5)
Military push-ups - 15x5

21's - 60 pound preacher bar (1 set of 21's)
Tricep cable push down - 155 pounds (25 reps)

Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Shout Unto God by Hillsong United
2. One Thing Remains by Kristian Stanfill
3. Never Once by Matt Redman

Till next time,
Peace and much love.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. I too exercise to worship music...Skillet, Toby Mac, Group One Crew, etc. Very motivating..takes me the extra mile sometimes literally. Totally relate. Sydney
