This past week has been rough for me. With every lift, my pinky (though small) was filled with shooting pains. My back and neck compressed more and more, and there were times where I just felt like I couldn't go on. So on Friday and then again today, I was placed on "medical rest" in order for my body to heal before the final two weeks where I can go intense with every single weight I lift. While I have been resting, there are times where I just start to blame everything else. I start to blame equipment or other people for the reasons I've been hurt. Sometimes I do blame myself, but it's always with an "if it wasn't for..." attached to it. So through this entire project, I've come up with my own villainous tag line.
"You can make excuses or you can make progress. The choice is yours."
What I needed to realize is that no one is responsible for anything I do except for me. And typically, no one is responsible for anything that happens to me except for me. No one can force me to do or not to do anything. It's all my choice. I have two weeks to go insane with every single workout and make my body and muscles explode. I can complain about my pinky, my neck, my back, and make excuses. Or I can pull it together and go for it. I've got to just go absolutely insane and make it happen. That's what I'm gonna do. My body may be breaking down, but my spirit is not even close to it. It's time for me to quit making excuses and start exploding with progress for the final portion of this project.
Our spiritual lives are the same. When sin comes our way, we can make excuses as to why we give in. We can blame other people and other things, but in the end, it's our choice. No one and no thing can make us sin. When we disobey God, it's our choice. No one else is to blame. When it comes to eliminating sin from your life, you can either make excuses or progress. The choice is yours.
Tomorrow, I get back on the workouts. It's time to go insane people. the countdown has begun. January 1 gets closer every second. It's time to go insane. It's time to Become Bane.
"Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer your master" (Romans 6:12-14a NLT)
Till next time homies,
Stay strong.
Peace and much love.
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