Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Most Dangerous Sin

Bane has weaknesses. If you haven't seen the movie or ever seen a picture of Bane, he has two things that explain these weaknesses. The first is his mask. Bane wears a mask to keep him alive. Just like Darth Vader, the mask keeps him alive. Well, kind of anyway. In the movie, The Dark Knight Rises, Bane's mask feeds him pain killers which help him with his spinal injuries. Without the mask, Bane would be not only in excruciating pain, but would die because his injuries would not be being treated. Bane also wears a gauntlet. While there are all sorts of theories of why he wears the gauntlet, the most popular theory is that he uses it for protection to block punches. But why only one arm? Perhaps Bane has another injury which is covered by the gauntlet and would hurt tremendously if he were attacked in that spot. I don't think Bane went to a doctor because I don't know any doctor who would prescribe a mask and a gauntlet to be worn for pain. 

Today at the gym, I further injured my pinky. If you've kept up with the posts, you know that I have been working on fixing it for quite some time and that I was even placed on medical rest for a few days to allow it some time to recover. I was doing dumbbell shrugs today using 100 pound dumbbells when I felt a shooting pain through my pinky. Over the past few days, the pain has been agitated when I would use or apply pressure to my pinky, but after doing the shrugs, the pain became constant. I should have listened to my medical team and wrapped it. I didn't, and because of that, I got more injured.

Tomorrow I'm getting my finger fully examined by a doctor so he can tell me what to do. See, there are three things I can do wrong when it comes to injuries. I can:
1. Not tell anyone about it (which I did for a short period of time)
2. Tell people about it who can help me, but disregard their advice (which I did today and caused me to further my injury)
3. Tell people about it who can help me and listen to their advice on what to do.

I should have done the third thing. After all, I have a medical team for a reason. At first, I tried to hide the injury from them (that is the most harmful thing I could do), then I tried to disregard their advice (which was also harmful), now I'm going to heed their advice and get it looked at and taken care of.

(This is a picture of my finger after I wrapped it after the dumbbell shrugs. I finished my workout with it like this.)

Sin is the same way. The most dangerous thing we can do with our sin is hide it. When we try to work it on our own, the Devil has us right where he wants us. It will only get worse if we don't get help. The second most harmful thing we can do is get advice from someone wiser than ourselves and then disregard it. Again, when we think we know what's best and work alone, we will almost always undoubtedly fail. The final option is best. We need to seek Godly wisdom and heed the advice we receive. When we partner with someone who can help, we are much better off.

Don't hurt yourself. Whatever it is in your life, confess it and get some help. Remember, the most dangerous sin is a hidden one.

"For he will bring our darkest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives." (1 Corinthians 4:5b NLT)

"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." (James 5:16a NLT)

All exercises 4x12
Clean pulls - 160 pounds
SLDL - 170 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 110 pounds
Power shrugs - 140 pounds
Dumbbell shrugs - 100 pound dumbbells
Seated rows - 115 pounds
Reverse flys - 20 pound dumbbells

Best Songs of the Workout:
1. We Come Running by Youngblood Hawke
2. Girls Just Want to Have Fun cover by The Maine
3. Ships in the Night by Mat Kearney

Till next time,
Peace and much love.

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