Sunday, December 30, 2012


Since I began taking creatine supplements last Wednesday, I have not been able to quit drinking water. It seems that I go through gallons a day. During my workout, I typically drink three full 36 ounce water bottles - and that's just during my workout! It might seem crazy to some of you if you've never taken creatine, and it even seems a bit extreme to me, but I can't get enough water. Today at the gym was an excellent example of this.

I continuously drank water. After every set, in-between exercises, constantly, I was drinking water. I just couldn't get enough. Now, when you drink a lot of water, there's also a time where you get full and have to go to the bathroom. RJ can attest to the fact that I use the bathroom about 14 times per workout. Why? Because I drink so much water! I just can't help it. It is quite annoying though. I leave my water bottles out of the way of everyone in the gym so I don't cause any injuries from someone tripping over it or slipping on it or anything else. So, any time I have to drink water, I have to walk away from where I am to some remote corner of the gym and can finally quench my thirst. It's a necessary evil. It'd be great if I just was always full of water and no matter how much I sweat or spit it out, it would never go away. But it doesn't work like that. I constantly have to drink more in order to feel satisfied.

Jesus is the exact opposite.

He fills us up once and for all and we will never go thirsty again. I'm not talking about physical thirst. That is important, and it's good to drink a lot of physical water, but I'm talking about something much more important. What I'm talking about is spiritual thirst. Aren't we all constantly trying to find something that will fill us up and make us satisfied? Don't we all chase things like money or girlfriends or boyfriends or fame or power or ____________ to make us feel like life is really worth it? But it seems that no matter how much of it we receive, we could always use more and then when we get more, it still doesn't keep us satisfied for long. Sure, it might work for a while, but it never lasts forever. The only satisfaction and "fullness" that will last forever comes from Jesus. He is the Living Water and if we accept him we will "never thirst again".

What are you drinking from? Is it working? Will it last forever? If not, I challenge you to give yourself to Jesus. Once you really accept Him, you'll never go thirsty again.

"Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:13-14 NLT)

*** Would you like a workout program designed just for you?***
Derek (who has designed a lot of the Becoming Bane program) and I are taking orders! 
All you have to do is send an email to and tell us what your goals are. 
We will respond and talk to you about everything 
we can do together to make your fitness dreams come true!!!

All exercises 4x12
Clean pulls - 160 pounds
SLDL - 185 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 115 pounds
Power shrugs - 150 pounds
Smith machine shrugs - 220 pounds
Seated rows - 125 pounds superset with reverse flys - 20 pound dumbbells

Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Break the Line by Rapture Ruckus
2. With Everything by Hillsong United
3. Oh Great God, Give Us Rest by David Crowder Band

Till next time homies, 
Peace and much love

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