Monday, December 31, 2012
Happy New Year
I hope and pray you all have a fantastic New Year's Celebration. Stay safe and smart because someone loves you and is counting on seeing you again. Tomorrow the final results of the project will be posted. I hope to not disappoint you. Talk to you then. Peace and much love!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Since I began taking creatine supplements last Wednesday, I have not been able to quit drinking water. It seems that I go through gallons a day. During my workout, I typically drink three full 36 ounce water bottles - and that's just during my workout! It might seem crazy to some of you if you've never taken creatine, and it even seems a bit extreme to me, but I can't get enough water. Today at the gym was an excellent example of this.
I continuously drank water. After every set, in-between exercises, constantly, I was drinking water. I just couldn't get enough. Now, when you drink a lot of water, there's also a time where you get full and have to go to the bathroom. RJ can attest to the fact that I use the bathroom about 14 times per workout. Why? Because I drink so much water! I just can't help it. It is quite annoying though. I leave my water bottles out of the way of everyone in the gym so I don't cause any injuries from someone tripping over it or slipping on it or anything else. So, any time I have to drink water, I have to walk away from where I am to some remote corner of the gym and can finally quench my thirst. It's a necessary evil. It'd be great if I just was always full of water and no matter how much I sweat or spit it out, it would never go away. But it doesn't work like that. I constantly have to drink more in order to feel satisfied.
Jesus is the exact opposite.
He fills us up once and for all and we will never go thirsty again. I'm not talking about physical thirst. That is important, and it's good to drink a lot of physical water, but I'm talking about something much more important. What I'm talking about is spiritual thirst. Aren't we all constantly trying to find something that will fill us up and make us satisfied? Don't we all chase things like money or girlfriends or boyfriends or fame or power or ____________ to make us feel like life is really worth it? But it seems that no matter how much of it we receive, we could always use more and then when we get more, it still doesn't keep us satisfied for long. Sure, it might work for a while, but it never lasts forever. The only satisfaction and "fullness" that will last forever comes from Jesus. He is the Living Water and if we accept him we will "never thirst again".
What are you drinking from? Is it working? Will it last forever? If not, I challenge you to give yourself to Jesus. Once you really accept Him, you'll never go thirsty again.
"Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:13-14 NLT)
All exercises 4x12
Clean pulls - 160 pounds
SLDL - 185 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 115 pounds
Power shrugs - 150 pounds
Smith machine shrugs - 220 pounds
Seated rows - 125 pounds superset with reverse flys - 20 pound dumbbells
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Break the Line by Rapture Ruckus
2. With Everything by Hillsong United
3. Oh Great God, Give Us Rest by David Crowder Band
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love
I continuously drank water. After every set, in-between exercises, constantly, I was drinking water. I just couldn't get enough. Now, when you drink a lot of water, there's also a time where you get full and have to go to the bathroom. RJ can attest to the fact that I use the bathroom about 14 times per workout. Why? Because I drink so much water! I just can't help it. It is quite annoying though. I leave my water bottles out of the way of everyone in the gym so I don't cause any injuries from someone tripping over it or slipping on it or anything else. So, any time I have to drink water, I have to walk away from where I am to some remote corner of the gym and can finally quench my thirst. It's a necessary evil. It'd be great if I just was always full of water and no matter how much I sweat or spit it out, it would never go away. But it doesn't work like that. I constantly have to drink more in order to feel satisfied.
Jesus is the exact opposite.
He fills us up once and for all and we will never go thirsty again. I'm not talking about physical thirst. That is important, and it's good to drink a lot of physical water, but I'm talking about something much more important. What I'm talking about is spiritual thirst. Aren't we all constantly trying to find something that will fill us up and make us satisfied? Don't we all chase things like money or girlfriends or boyfriends or fame or power or ____________ to make us feel like life is really worth it? But it seems that no matter how much of it we receive, we could always use more and then when we get more, it still doesn't keep us satisfied for long. Sure, it might work for a while, but it never lasts forever. The only satisfaction and "fullness" that will last forever comes from Jesus. He is the Living Water and if we accept him we will "never thirst again".
What are you drinking from? Is it working? Will it last forever? If not, I challenge you to give yourself to Jesus. Once you really accept Him, you'll never go thirsty again.
"Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:13-14 NLT)
*** Would you like a workout program designed just for you?***
Derek (who has designed a lot of the Becoming Bane program) and I are taking orders!
All you have to do is send an email to and tell us what your goals are.
We will respond and talk to you about everything
we can do together to make your fitness dreams come true!!!
All exercises 4x12
Clean pulls - 160 pounds
SLDL - 185 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 115 pounds
Power shrugs - 150 pounds
Smith machine shrugs - 220 pounds
Seated rows - 125 pounds superset with reverse flys - 20 pound dumbbells
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Break the Line by Rapture Ruckus
2. With Everything by Hillsong United
3. Oh Great God, Give Us Rest by David Crowder Band
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love
Saturday, December 29, 2012
The Amazing "Untackleable" Man
This morning in boot camp, a challenge was issued. It all began with the mistelling of a story. As Kathy told the story, she said that Jeremy (a fellow classmate) tackled me to the ground last week. I reminded her that it was untrue because Jeremy had just jumped up onto my back and I continued to run with him piggy-backed on me. I then said something that made everyone laugh and begin commenting. I said, "I'm completely untackleable." Immediately, it seemed like the challenge was on. Jeremy said he wasn't actually trying to tackle me last week, but that if he was, he would have taken me down. Some of the women in the class sided with me while others began mocking my statement. But there was one man who just looked at me, smiled, and said, "Stu, everyone can be tackled. Even Reggie Bush can be tackled" The man who said that is an FBI agent. I dared him to try.
He kept playing it off and saying, "I don't need to do it to prove that I can. Everyone here knows you're full of it. You can be tackled." His wife told me stories of how intense he got in his training at work and that I should be careful because he may hurt me if I continue to taunt him. But I didn't listen. Throughout the entire class, I continued to taunt him. I said, "The only reason you won't try to tackle me is because you know you can't and you don't want to be embarrassed when everyone sees that I was right." He reminded me that he works for the FBI and that antagonizing won't work against him. I wouldn't stop. Finally, it was time to go outside and run. The ground was covered in snow and he kept reminding me, "Stu, the ground is soft here. I could definitely tackle you in this."
At this moment, I saw it in his eyes. He was no longer joking with me. He was sick of my taunting and everyone in the class was pushing him to teach me a lesson. We were running on the snow-covered trail and I saw him get in place behind me to take me down. I turned around to see that he was hunched low, ready to strike at any moment. I turned back around, facing forward to try to pick up some speed to run away from him, but it was too late. He dove toward my legs and took me straight to the ground. But we didn't land on the snow. There were trees overhead, covering the ground, so we hit straight gravel and mud. We both started laughing and at that point, I had to swallow my words. I am, indeed, tackleable.
Boot camp
Till next time,
Ειρήνη και πολλή αγάπη
(Peace and much love)
He kept playing it off and saying, "I don't need to do it to prove that I can. Everyone here knows you're full of it. You can be tackled." His wife told me stories of how intense he got in his training at work and that I should be careful because he may hurt me if I continue to taunt him. But I didn't listen. Throughout the entire class, I continued to taunt him. I said, "The only reason you won't try to tackle me is because you know you can't and you don't want to be embarrassed when everyone sees that I was right." He reminded me that he works for the FBI and that antagonizing won't work against him. I wouldn't stop. Finally, it was time to go outside and run. The ground was covered in snow and he kept reminding me, "Stu, the ground is soft here. I could definitely tackle you in this."
At this moment, I saw it in his eyes. He was no longer joking with me. He was sick of my taunting and everyone in the class was pushing him to teach me a lesson. We were running on the snow-covered trail and I saw him get in place behind me to take me down. I turned around to see that he was hunched low, ready to strike at any moment. I turned back around, facing forward to try to pick up some speed to run away from him, but it was too late. He dove toward my legs and took me straight to the ground. But we didn't land on the snow. There were trees overhead, covering the ground, so we hit straight gravel and mud. We both started laughing and at that point, I had to swallow my words. I am, indeed, tackleable.
(This is a picture of me and the FBI Agent who tackled me to the ground. I did have
a minor victory though. If you look at his shoulder, you can see mud stains. I didn't get any stains.)
But right after, he apologized profusely. He apologized so many times throughout the rest of class and constantly asked if I was alright. But every time, I just replied, "I was asking for it". Of course I was okay, and of course I wasn't angry. I probably would have been upset if he hadn't tackled me. I was constantly picking on him, telling him there was no way he could do it. Finally, he had to show me that he could.
C.S. Lewis in his book Mere Christianity says this, "God, in the end, gives people what they most want, including freedom from Himself. What could be more fair?" People live their entire lives taunting God. They say they don't believe in Him or they hate Him and don't want to be with Him for eternity. In the end, He lets those people have what they keep asking for. Just like me this morning, I kept taunting him and saying that there was no way he could do it. There are people who do the same with God. They taunt Him and say He has no power or they're not afraid of Him. God will eventually show those people what He's made of. But that isn't because God hates those people. No, it's because He loves them. Love cannot be forced. God proves that He loves us by allowing us to walk away from Him if we don't want any part in His plans. If He forced us to stay and treated us like puppets, that wouldn't really be love at all. Just like my friend this morning gave me exactly what I was asking for, God will do the same.
Final 'lesson' of the day. The most famous Bible verse of all time, John 3:16, says this: “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." (NLT) The piece that says "shall not perish" in Greek is μὴ ἀπόληται which literally translated means, "shall not destroy themselves". See, it's not God who does the destroying. It's God who allows you to walk away. Why? Because He loves you enough to let you leave if that's what you want.
In the end, God will give you what you want. Eternity with or without Him. I hope you choose wisely.
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son." (John 3:16-18 NLT)
Boot camp
Till next time,
Ειρήνη και πολλή αγάπη
(Peace and much love)
Friday, December 28, 2012
Big Compliment
Today in the gym a man, whom I don't really remember ever seeing, was lifting weights. I was dancing around, being my normal self, when I went to go get a drink of water. My water bottle was sitting right next to where he was lifting. He was about to start a set, but then paused. He looked at me, and set his weights down. He turned toward me and motioned for my attention. I was immediately a bit scared. See, this guy wasn't tiny. He stood at around 6'2"-6'3" and was definitely a strong guy. Why did this man, who looked much stronger than me, want my attention?
I pulled the headphones out of my ears and braced for him to make fun of me or to tell me to quit dancing around so much. As I was able to hear him, what he said surprised me. He said, "Hey man, where did that skinny guy go?" I immediately realized what he was saying. I used to be scrawny. So I said, "He's gone now" and chuckled. He said, "Man, you really exploded. That takes a lot of work. Good for you!" That made me so happy. I thanked him greatly and then got my drink of water and we both continued our workouts. But it was great for me. Someone who was much bigger than I am saw me and complimented me.
That's how God is with us. He is much bigger, better, and stronger than us and He wants our attention. But don't be afraid. He wants to tell you how much He loves you. He's all around you, motioning for you to pay attention, and when you do you'll feel love and peace beyond anything you could ever fully understand. He can be absolutely terrifying, and He will be if you continue to neglect his attempts at connecting with you. But what He wants you to see the most is that He loves you.
Don't ignore Him. See where He is in your life and let Him tell you He loves you and wants to comfort you.
"Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6b-7 NLT)
Leg press - 650 pounds 4x12
Calf raises - 450 pounds 4x12
Seated leg curl - 150 pounds 4x8
Seated leg extension - 180 pounds 4x8
Shoulder plate alphabet - 35 pound plate (TODAY I GOT THROUGH THE ENTIRE ALPHABET WITHOUT STOPPING!!!)
Dragon milkers - 50 pound dumbbells 4x12
Inverted rows - 90 pound preacher bar 4x8
Dumbbell side raises - 30 pound dumbbells 4x8
Plate overhead lunges - 26 lunges with a 45 pound plate
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. God is Able by Hillsong United
2. Break the Line by Rapture Ruckus
3. Furious by Jeremy Riddle
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love!
I pulled the headphones out of my ears and braced for him to make fun of me or to tell me to quit dancing around so much. As I was able to hear him, what he said surprised me. He said, "Hey man, where did that skinny guy go?" I immediately realized what he was saying. I used to be scrawny. So I said, "He's gone now" and chuckled. He said, "Man, you really exploded. That takes a lot of work. Good for you!" That made me so happy. I thanked him greatly and then got my drink of water and we both continued our workouts. But it was great for me. Someone who was much bigger than I am saw me and complimented me.
That's how God is with us. He is much bigger, better, and stronger than us and He wants our attention. But don't be afraid. He wants to tell you how much He loves you. He's all around you, motioning for you to pay attention, and when you do you'll feel love and peace beyond anything you could ever fully understand. He can be absolutely terrifying, and He will be if you continue to neglect his attempts at connecting with you. But what He wants you to see the most is that He loves you.
Don't ignore Him. See where He is in your life and let Him tell you He loves you and wants to comfort you.
"Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6b-7 NLT)
*** Would you like a workout program designed just for you?***
Derek (who has designed a lot of the Becoming Bane program) and I are taking orders! All you have to do is send an email to and tell us what your goals are. We will respond and talk to you about everything we can do together to make your fitness dreams come true!!!
Leg press - 650 pounds 4x12
Calf raises - 450 pounds 4x12
Seated leg curl - 150 pounds 4x8
Seated leg extension - 180 pounds 4x8
Shoulder plate alphabet - 35 pound plate (TODAY I GOT THROUGH THE ENTIRE ALPHABET WITHOUT STOPPING!!!)
Dragon milkers - 50 pound dumbbells 4x12
Inverted rows - 90 pound preacher bar 4x8
Dumbbell side raises - 30 pound dumbbells 4x8
Plate overhead lunges - 26 lunges with a 45 pound plate
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. God is Able by Hillsong United
2. Break the Line by Rapture Ruckus
3. Furious by Jeremy Riddle
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
With Everything
People in the gym said, "Stu, you are on another level today". I was so into my workout today, and my post-workout soreness proves it. Here's what I decided: There are only a few days left in Phase 1 of this "Becoming Bane" project. I don't want there to be any way for me to think I could have done more. With every exercise, I want to know I am pushing myself to the absolute limit. Today, I am more sore than I can ever remember being in the same day of a workout. My chest is burning, my legs are aching, and my abs are tight. It's all worth it.
I've never been good at organized sports or anything like that my entire life. But I know this: A true athlete leaves it all on the field/court. Today, I felt like a true athlete. At the end, I left it all in the gym. I was completely spent, and that's what I want. Chumps hold back. Athletes push until they feel like they can't push anymore. Then they push farther until their body collapses. That's how I was today.
The #1 song of today's workout is called "With Everything" by Hillsong United. There's a part in the song which says, "With everything we will shout for Your glory. With everything we will shout for Your praise". In the gym, I want to be someone who gives my absolute everything to what I'm doing. At the end of my workout, I want to feel like I am absolutely tapped out of all energy that I could have possibly used. In my spiritual life, I want to be the same way.
We don't have a lot of time in this world. I'm not talking about an apocalypse or the "rapture" or anything like that. I'm just saying that lives are short. At the end of my life, I don't want to think there's something I could have done more for God's glory. I've said before that the Devil's job is to make sure that we think our life on earth is what's more important than eternity. Which are you living for? At the end of your life, will you say there's more you could have done?
Is there someone you should have talked to about Jesus, but didn't?
Was there someone you could have loved more fully?
Could you have served someone with more sacrifice?
Did you never make a decision for Jesus?
In the end, I hope you have given your everything. God doesn't need us, but He desires us. He will use your everything if you will give it to Him. So don't end with regrets. Live knowing you couldn't have given any more.
Bench press - 215 pounds (5x5)
Bench press negatives - 215 pounds (1x5)
Incline bench - 200 pounds (5x5)
Decline bench - 210 pounds (5x5)
Cable flies - 90 pounds on each side (3x10)
Underhand kneeling cable flies - 55 pounds on each side (3x10)
Bent over rows - 135 pounds (4x8)
Deadlift - 250 pounds (5x8)
Back extensions - 20 reps
Wide grip pull-ups (4x8)
Lawnmowers - 75 pound dumbbell (3x10)
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. With Everything by Hillsong United
2. Oh, Happiness by David Crowder Band
3. Oh Great God, Give Us Rest by David Crowder Band
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love.
I've never been good at organized sports or anything like that my entire life. But I know this: A true athlete leaves it all on the field/court. Today, I felt like a true athlete. At the end, I left it all in the gym. I was completely spent, and that's what I want. Chumps hold back. Athletes push until they feel like they can't push anymore. Then they push farther until their body collapses. That's how I was today.
The #1 song of today's workout is called "With Everything" by Hillsong United. There's a part in the song which says, "With everything we will shout for Your glory. With everything we will shout for Your praise". In the gym, I want to be someone who gives my absolute everything to what I'm doing. At the end of my workout, I want to feel like I am absolutely tapped out of all energy that I could have possibly used. In my spiritual life, I want to be the same way.
We don't have a lot of time in this world. I'm not talking about an apocalypse or the "rapture" or anything like that. I'm just saying that lives are short. At the end of my life, I don't want to think there's something I could have done more for God's glory. I've said before that the Devil's job is to make sure that we think our life on earth is what's more important than eternity. Which are you living for? At the end of your life, will you say there's more you could have done?
Is there someone you should have talked to about Jesus, but didn't?
Was there someone you could have loved more fully?
Could you have served someone with more sacrifice?
Did you never make a decision for Jesus?
In the end, I hope you have given your everything. God doesn't need us, but He desires us. He will use your everything if you will give it to Him. So don't end with regrets. Live knowing you couldn't have given any more.
"While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins.“I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.” (Luke 21:1-4 NLT)
*** Would you like a workout program designed just for you?***
Derek (who has designed a lot of the Becoming Bane program) and I are taking orders! All you have to do is send an email to and tell us what your goals are. We will respond and talk to you about everything we can do together to make your fitness dreams come true!!!
Bench press - 215 pounds (5x5)
Bench press negatives - 215 pounds (1x5)
Incline bench - 200 pounds (5x5)
Decline bench - 210 pounds (5x5)
Cable flies - 90 pounds on each side (3x10)
Underhand kneeling cable flies - 55 pounds on each side (3x10)
Bent over rows - 135 pounds (4x8)
Deadlift - 250 pounds (5x8)
Back extensions - 20 reps
Wide grip pull-ups (4x8)
Lawnmowers - 75 pound dumbbell (3x10)
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. With Everything by Hillsong United
2. Oh, Happiness by David Crowder Band
3. Oh Great God, Give Us Rest by David Crowder Band
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Sources of Strength
Today I began using a creatine supplement. I was very hesitant to say the least. There have been a lot of stories lately of athletes using creatine who have suffered serious side effects and even death from the misuse of creatine. So, while I was excited about the positive effects of creatine, I was very nervous about the negatives. If you don't know (which I didn't until it was explained to me), what creatine does is supply muscles with energy to work harder. The creatine supplement ensures that the muscles never run out of ATP (our body's energy source) to keep pumping and fueling our workouts. This creatine supply also helps to enlarge muscles by adding water to them. While an initial size growth in the muscles is typically water weight, the actual muscles grow over time due to the fact that workouts can be more intense with the power supply fueled by the creatine. There are some negative side effects, but if you control your dosage and listen to someone who knows what they're talking about (like Derek for me), then you'll be just fine and creatine will work wonders.
However, while the creatine is supposed to give longevity and power to my workouts, I noticed something today. What really fuels me is my music and the music that really fuels me is worship music. It probably doesn't make sense to many people, and I honestly didn't realize it fully until today. But what happens to me is this: I put on a worship song that has gotten me through a tough time and it amps me up. I can think back to the time I was listening to it and how God showed up and did amazing things when I thought all hope was lost. Again, I know that to many of you this may sound crazy or stupid, but to me it's very real. See, I dance and jump and get a little crazy at the gym. It earns me a lot of strange looks and whispered comments, but it also causes people to ask me what I'm listening to. While I do have some strange artists (like Justin Bieber) on my workout playlist, a lot of it is Christian music. So when people ask, I tell them what song I'm listening to. They ask, "How do you get so into it when it's worship music?" And I explain that God has shown me what real strength is. And that's the truth.
I may have gotten stronger, but what's amazing to me is that even when I was weak physically, God was still right there with me providing all my strength. Today, I might think I'm strong, but I would be nothing without Him. So what fuels my workouts? It's not the creatine or the music. It's God, and I truly believe that.
He doesn't need us. We desperately need Him. When we let Him take over, we have the ultimate source of strength.
"The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you." (Romans 8:11 NLT)
Arms 12/26/12
Superset 4x6
Chinup - 30 pound dumbbell attached
Close grip bench press - 160 pounds
Forearm rope climb - 25 pounds
Dumbbell triceps extension - 100 pound dumbbell (3x12)
Preacher curl - 80 pound preacher bar (3x10)
Dumbbell twists
20 pound dumbbells x 25
Dumbbells curls - 60 pound dumbbells (5x5)
Tricep dips - 90 pound dumbbell attached (5x8)
Dumbbell wrist curls
20 pound dumbbells x 10 overhand
20 pound dumbbells x 10 underhand
Superset 2x12
Skull crusher - 80 pounds
Single arm cable curl - 50 pounds
Barbell wrist curls
Bar x 25
Dumbbell hammer curls - 55 pound dumbbells (5x5)
Military push-ups - 15x5
21's - 60 pound preacher bar (1 set of 21's)
Tricep cable push down - 155 pounds (25 reps)
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Shout Unto God by Hillsong United
2. One Thing Remains by Kristian Stanfill
3. Never Once by Matt Redman
Till next time,
Peace and much love.
However, while the creatine is supposed to give longevity and power to my workouts, I noticed something today. What really fuels me is my music and the music that really fuels me is worship music. It probably doesn't make sense to many people, and I honestly didn't realize it fully until today. But what happens to me is this: I put on a worship song that has gotten me through a tough time and it amps me up. I can think back to the time I was listening to it and how God showed up and did amazing things when I thought all hope was lost. Again, I know that to many of you this may sound crazy or stupid, but to me it's very real. See, I dance and jump and get a little crazy at the gym. It earns me a lot of strange looks and whispered comments, but it also causes people to ask me what I'm listening to. While I do have some strange artists (like Justin Bieber) on my workout playlist, a lot of it is Christian music. So when people ask, I tell them what song I'm listening to. They ask, "How do you get so into it when it's worship music?" And I explain that God has shown me what real strength is. And that's the truth.
I may have gotten stronger, but what's amazing to me is that even when I was weak physically, God was still right there with me providing all my strength. Today, I might think I'm strong, but I would be nothing without Him. So what fuels my workouts? It's not the creatine or the music. It's God, and I truly believe that.
He doesn't need us. We desperately need Him. When we let Him take over, we have the ultimate source of strength.
"The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you." (Romans 8:11 NLT)
***Phase 1 of "Becoming Bane" ends on Tuesday, January 1, 2013.
There are more plans in the works to continue, so stay posted for more details!!!***
Would you like your own workout program designed and catered to your own goals?
Derek, who designed a lot of the "Becoming Bane" program, and I are taking orders!
Simply send an email to and briefly state your goals.
We will reply back promptly and help design a program just for you!
Arms 12/26/12
Superset 4x6
Chinup - 30 pound dumbbell attached
Close grip bench press - 160 pounds
Forearm rope climb - 25 pounds
Dumbbell triceps extension - 100 pound dumbbell (3x12)
Preacher curl - 80 pound preacher bar (3x10)
Dumbbell twists
20 pound dumbbells x 25
Dumbbells curls - 60 pound dumbbells (5x5)
Tricep dips - 90 pound dumbbell attached (5x8)
Dumbbell wrist curls
20 pound dumbbells x 10 overhand
20 pound dumbbells x 10 underhand
Superset 2x12
Skull crusher - 80 pounds
Single arm cable curl - 50 pounds
Barbell wrist curls
Bar x 25
Dumbbell hammer curls - 55 pound dumbbells (5x5)
Military push-ups - 15x5
21's - 60 pound preacher bar (1 set of 21's)
Tricep cable push down - 155 pounds (25 reps)
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Shout Unto God by Hillsong United
2. One Thing Remains by Kristian Stanfill
3. Never Once by Matt Redman
Till next time,
Peace and much love.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas!
I hope that you and your families and loved ones have had an extremely Merry Christmas!
This morning, I worked at the foster care I am a part-time employee of. Let me tell you that seeing those kids open their gifts was the best Christmas present ever. To see them be so excited over some things that seemed so simple - like scrap-booking supplies or sketch pads as well as some amazing clothes and stereos and other items was absolutely amazing to me. Their eyes lit up and for me it was great to experience Christmas for what it was really meant to be experienced as. Not as a time for me to get stuff, but as a time for me to be with people who need it and to spread some cheer about the birth of Jesus.
Let's not let it die just today. Let's constantly spread the news about Jesus' birth and remember that He also died and rose again for us. All of us.
I'd like to leave you with just a few words from my favorite Christmas song and then a passage from the Bible.
The Greatest Gift by Amber Sky Records
"God loved us all so much He gave us His only Son to save us.
And angels sang.
And shepherds saw.
The wisemen came to bow.
God knew everything we needed, so He sent us Jesus.
The greatest gift in all the world is with us now."
"So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness...From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another. For the law was given through Moses, but God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. But the unique One, who is himself God, is near to the Father’s heart. He has revealed God to us." (John 1:14a; 16-18 NLT)
Merry Christmas to all and to all...
Peace and much love.
Monday, December 24, 2012
In Honor of the Hardest Christmas Workers, the Elves
I think elves get the worst end of the deal. They work all year to prepare the toys and load the sleigh and get everything ready, but in the end they get no recognition. Think about it. Santa gets everything, and he really only works one day a year. What a gip! So today's workout was in honor of the elves. Check out the video below to understand what I mean...
All exercises 4x12 unless otherwise noted
Clean pulls - 160 pounds
SLDL - 170 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 110 pounds
Power shrugs - 150 pounds
Smith Machine shrugs - 220 pounds
Seated rows - 125 pounds
Reverse flys - 20 pound dumbbells
NOTE: I also filmed one set of tricep extensions (100 pound dumbbell), curls (50 pound dumbbells), and inverted sit-ups, but I'm not really counting those in the workout. They just look good on video.
- The project officially ends on January 1st. I still have a little ways to go. If you believe that I can make it, I ask that you take a picture of yourself giving the peace sign and send it to me on twitter (@biggodlittlestu) or email: It would greatly help me to know there are tons of people out there encouraging me in this final week. Take a picture of yourself giving the peace sign and send it in. All of the pictures received will be put together in a montage for the final weigh-in/check-in day on January 1st.
- Do you have some fitness goals of your own? Derek, my medical expert/trainer, and I are willing to design programs for you!!! Simply send an email to and tell us a little about your own goals. We will respond and let you know how we can design a program catered personally to your body and your specific goals. The plans will be designed personally for you after a brief questionnaire. Each plan is very inexpensive and can be designed for teenagers, adults, senior citizens, men, women, boys, or girls. Check it out and let us know how we can help you become fit in your own way!
All exercises 4x12 unless otherwise noted
Clean pulls - 160 pounds
SLDL - 170 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 110 pounds
Power shrugs - 150 pounds
Smith Machine shrugs - 220 pounds
Seated rows - 125 pounds
Reverse flys - 20 pound dumbbells
NOTE: I also filmed one set of tricep extensions (100 pound dumbbell), curls (50 pound dumbbells), and inverted sit-ups, but I'm not really counting those in the workout. They just look good on video.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Twas the Night Before the Night Before Christmas
Before I get started with today's official post, I need to tell you two things about tomorrow's post.
1. I have plans for it to be one of the most strange things I've ever done in my entire life.
2. There will be two ways for you to become involved with the final leg of the Becoming Bane Project - one of which is a long-term way for you to participate in a similar project of your own.
So, enjoy today's post and come back tomorrow for much more!!!
My workout at the gym today was quick and amazing. But what I noticed is that everyone in the world is stressed about Christmas right now and I think that's very sad. Whenever I tell someone, "Merry Christmas", they all have some rebuttal about how "It will be Merry once I get done with ___________" or "I'm not so sure. We have __________ coming over to celebrate." Just all sorts of people in bad moods. So tonight, I've written a poem about Christmas Eve Eve and why we all need to remember what's really important this time of year. I hope you enjoy it. (It rhymes because I don't think a poem is really a poem unless it rhymes. Go ahead and try to fight me on that, but if it doesn't rhyme, it's not a poem.)
Twas the Night Before the Night Before Christmas
By: Stu Perry
Twas the night before the night before Christmas and all through the house,
Everyone was busy, and yelling at each-other and anxious and a grouch.
See, Christmas is in two days, and tomorrow we have some minor celebrations
So today is the day we finish with all of our final preparations.
Everything should have been done by now: the cleaning and all the rest.
For when your relatives come over, you are truly put to a test.
Are your gifts big enough?
Do your bows curl with precision?
Is the turkey too tough?
For that final present, did you make the right decision?
No sleeping tonight, for that would be silly,
Everything needs to look great and in place, not willy nilly.
For that's what Christmas is truly about, right?
We have to look fancy, our ties tied up tight.
It has to be pristine on this - the most important day!
Or did we forget that Christmas didn't start out that way?
See, Christmas shouldn't be about all these man-made traditions,
It's all about God and His unexpected exhibition.
He came down to earth as a lowly little boy,
And in his "nursery", there were sheep and cows - no toys.
He is King of the universe and one day we'll all bow down,
But He was born in a way in which He wore not His crown.
It was dirty and messy and unexpected to say the least,
But He did it all to save you and me.
Why? Because we're dirty and messy people too,
Much messier in fact than where He was born with all that animal poo.
So while you're tidying up and getting everything looking fine,
Remember that God got down dirty to save your life and mine.
Quick! Get your final touches touched and your last preparations prepared,
Because you need to make time to remember why all of those things are even there.
It's not because it's fun to get presents or hang out with our loved ones - though those things are great!
It's because God chose to love you and to Heaven make a way.
He wanted you to have joy and peace beyond understanding, not fear
So don't you worry if Christmas is a little messy this year.
All exercies 4x12
Box squats - 285 pounds superset with lateral raises - 25 pound dumbbells
Dragon milkers - 50 pound dumbbells superset with dumbbell alternating chest press - 70 pound dumbbells
Bench press - 180 pounds
Alternating front raises - 30 pound dumbbells superset with chest fly machine - 140 pounds
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. From Yesterday by 30 Seconds to Mars (Recommended to me by my good friend, Maxwell. 30 Seconds to Mars in general is amazing to workout to.)
2. Princess of China by Coldplay (Also recommended by Maxwell.)
3. Oath by Cher Lloyd.
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love.
1. I have plans for it to be one of the most strange things I've ever done in my entire life.
2. There will be two ways for you to become involved with the final leg of the Becoming Bane Project - one of which is a long-term way for you to participate in a similar project of your own.
So, enjoy today's post and come back tomorrow for much more!!!
My workout at the gym today was quick and amazing. But what I noticed is that everyone in the world is stressed about Christmas right now and I think that's very sad. Whenever I tell someone, "Merry Christmas", they all have some rebuttal about how "It will be Merry once I get done with ___________" or "I'm not so sure. We have __________ coming over to celebrate." Just all sorts of people in bad moods. So tonight, I've written a poem about Christmas Eve Eve and why we all need to remember what's really important this time of year. I hope you enjoy it. (It rhymes because I don't think a poem is really a poem unless it rhymes. Go ahead and try to fight me on that, but if it doesn't rhyme, it's not a poem.)
Twas the Night Before the Night Before Christmas
By: Stu Perry
Twas the night before the night before Christmas and all through the house,
Everyone was busy, and yelling at each-other and anxious and a grouch.
See, Christmas is in two days, and tomorrow we have some minor celebrations
So today is the day we finish with all of our final preparations.
Everything should have been done by now: the cleaning and all the rest.
For when your relatives come over, you are truly put to a test.
Are your gifts big enough?
Do your bows curl with precision?
Is the turkey too tough?
For that final present, did you make the right decision?
No sleeping tonight, for that would be silly,
Everything needs to look great and in place, not willy nilly.
For that's what Christmas is truly about, right?
We have to look fancy, our ties tied up tight.
It has to be pristine on this - the most important day!
Or did we forget that Christmas didn't start out that way?
See, Christmas shouldn't be about all these man-made traditions,
It's all about God and His unexpected exhibition.
He came down to earth as a lowly little boy,
And in his "nursery", there were sheep and cows - no toys.
He is King of the universe and one day we'll all bow down,
But He was born in a way in which He wore not His crown.
It was dirty and messy and unexpected to say the least,
But He did it all to save you and me.
Why? Because we're dirty and messy people too,
Much messier in fact than where He was born with all that animal poo.
So while you're tidying up and getting everything looking fine,
Remember that God got down dirty to save your life and mine.
Quick! Get your final touches touched and your last preparations prepared,
Because you need to make time to remember why all of those things are even there.
It's not because it's fun to get presents or hang out with our loved ones - though those things are great!
It's because God chose to love you and to Heaven make a way.
He wanted you to have joy and peace beyond understanding, not fear
So don't you worry if Christmas is a little messy this year.
All exercies 4x12
Box squats - 285 pounds superset with lateral raises - 25 pound dumbbells
Dragon milkers - 50 pound dumbbells superset with dumbbell alternating chest press - 70 pound dumbbells
Bench press - 180 pounds
Alternating front raises - 30 pound dumbbells superset with chest fly machine - 140 pounds
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. From Yesterday by 30 Seconds to Mars (Recommended to me by my good friend, Maxwell. 30 Seconds to Mars in general is amazing to workout to.)
2. Princess of China by Coldplay (Also recommended by Maxwell.)
3. Oath by Cher Lloyd.
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
He Never Gives Up
Today at boot camp was unbelievably difficult. Normally, we do 100 push-ups, run some outside, and then do a lot of other circuit and cardio training. Today, we did over 200 pushups, it was freezing when we ran outside, and we literally didn't stop from start to finish of the entire one hour and fifteen minute class. It was insane, and so difficult to not give up. There were times when I wanted to just scream and quit. It was getting to be so difficult, and every time it seemed difficult, Kathy (our instructor) told us we needed to work harder and do more. It was never-ending and it would have been easy to quit, but it was so good that none of us in the class did give up. We kept going. At the end of it, it was well worth it.
There's just one thing I want you to understand today:
- God will never, ever give up on you.
We put God through a lot, and it absolutely kills Him to watch some of the decisions we make. But, He will never, ever, ever give up on you. We take and take and take from Him and He can handle it all. He never will quit on us. No matter what we've done, are doing, or ever will do, He will never stop reaching out to us and loving us. Even if you say you hate Him or even if you really do hate Him, His love won't change. He will always be there holding on.
Never think you're too far gone for Him. Never think you're too big of a project. He's right there, waiting for you to accept Him. He won't ever give up.
"I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39 NLT)
There's just one thing I want you to understand today:
- God will never, ever give up on you.
We put God through a lot, and it absolutely kills Him to watch some of the decisions we make. But, He will never, ever, ever give up on you. We take and take and take from Him and He can handle it all. He never will quit on us. No matter what we've done, are doing, or ever will do, He will never stop reaching out to us and loving us. Even if you say you hate Him or even if you really do hate Him, His love won't change. He will always be there holding on.
Never think you're too far gone for Him. Never think you're too big of a project. He's right there, waiting for you to accept Him. He won't ever give up.
"I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39 NLT)
If you'd like to know more about this and hear a story of someone whom
God proved He never gave up on, check out this short video clip
of Brian "Head" Welch formerly the drummer of the band Korn.
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Man Hands
If you've never used workout equipment, you may not know that it really tears up your hands. There are metal grips that work kind of like cheese graters and scrape skin off. Today, I felt it more than I usually do. Most of you know I have an injury to my pinky. That injury is causing me to use lifting straps, but I have to wrap them really tight, which pushes the cheese grater grips deeper into my hands. This causes pain, but it also just makes my hands look gross. (There's pictures of my hands and calluses at the bottom of this post.)
I'm willing to do it though. I'm willing to mangle my hands and have them get a little torn up and gross because in the end, the glory I'll get for the muscle I've gained will be far better than what that pain and discomfit and grossness is. It's for me. You have all helped me and encouraged me and I'm very grateful. But let's face it, I'm the one getting the glory here.
What Jesus did for you is the exact opposite. This time of year, we celebrate His birth and even that is amazing. He gave up His rights as the King of the universe and stepped down to become the lowly son of a teenage girl and a carpenter. (Talk about a weird episode of Teen Mom!) But not only that, He then lived His life as an example for us. Even though He knew we would screw it all up. The most amazing thing He did though was the death He died.
He was killed as a murderer would be killed, even though He didn't ever do anything wrong. He was whipped and beaten beyond recognition, people spit in His face, and He was mocked worse than anyone ever. All this from people He was trying to save. Then, He was nailed to two splintered pieces of wood. One nail through each wrist, and one through His ankles. They hung Him there to suffocate and die, and He did. The people whom He loved and helped betrayed and crucified Him. He could have stopped it at any moment, but He didn't. Why? For Himself? No.
He did it for you. He didn't do it for His glory, but God the Father's glory. He got nothing. I complain about my hands getting calluses even though I'm receiving the glory. Jesus went through it all, never complained, and it was all for You. Even if you were the only person who ever lived, He would have done it for you. And that's amazing.
He lived. He died. For you.
"He was despised and rejected— a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the L ord laid on him the sins of us all. He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. Unjustly condemned, he was led away. No one cared that he died without descendants, that his life was cut short in midstream. But he was struck down for the rebellion of my people. He had done no wrong and had never deceived anyone. But he was buried like a criminal; he was put in a rich man’s grave." (Isaiah 53:3-9 NLT)
All exercises 4x12
Clean pulls - 160 pounds
SLDL - 170 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 110 pounds
Power shrugs - 150 pounds
Smith machine shrugs - 220 pounds
Seated rows - 120 pounds
Reverse flys - 20 pound dumbbells
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. There is Nothing Like by Hillsong United
2. Break the Line by Rapture Ruckus
3. Whom Shall I Fear by Chris Tomlin
Till next time,
Peace and much love.
I'm willing to do it though. I'm willing to mangle my hands and have them get a little torn up and gross because in the end, the glory I'll get for the muscle I've gained will be far better than what that pain and discomfit and grossness is. It's for me. You have all helped me and encouraged me and I'm very grateful. But let's face it, I'm the one getting the glory here.
What Jesus did for you is the exact opposite. This time of year, we celebrate His birth and even that is amazing. He gave up His rights as the King of the universe and stepped down to become the lowly son of a teenage girl and a carpenter. (Talk about a weird episode of Teen Mom!) But not only that, He then lived His life as an example for us. Even though He knew we would screw it all up. The most amazing thing He did though was the death He died.
He was killed as a murderer would be killed, even though He didn't ever do anything wrong. He was whipped and beaten beyond recognition, people spit in His face, and He was mocked worse than anyone ever. All this from people He was trying to save. Then, He was nailed to two splintered pieces of wood. One nail through each wrist, and one through His ankles. They hung Him there to suffocate and die, and He did. The people whom He loved and helped betrayed and crucified Him. He could have stopped it at any moment, but He didn't. Why? For Himself? No.
He did it for you. He didn't do it for His glory, but God the Father's glory. He got nothing. I complain about my hands getting calluses even though I'm receiving the glory. Jesus went through it all, never complained, and it was all for You. Even if you were the only person who ever lived, He would have done it for you. And that's amazing.
He lived. He died. For you.
"He was despised and rejected— a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the L ord laid on him the sins of us all. He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. Unjustly condemned, he was led away. No one cared that he died without descendants, that his life was cut short in midstream. But he was struck down for the rebellion of my people. He had done no wrong and had never deceived anyone. But he was buried like a criminal; he was put in a rich man’s grave." (Isaiah 53:3-9 NLT)
All exercises 4x12
Clean pulls - 160 pounds
SLDL - 170 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 110 pounds
Power shrugs - 150 pounds
Smith machine shrugs - 220 pounds
Seated rows - 120 pounds
Reverse flys - 20 pound dumbbells
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. There is Nothing Like by Hillsong United
2. Break the Line by Rapture Ruckus
3. Whom Shall I Fear by Chris Tomlin
Till next time,
Peace and much love.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
It's the End of the World As We Know It
Tomorrow, the world is supposed to end. While I don't think it's gonna happen, it did get me thinking. Today, I got to experience both the joys of Christmas and the joys of a birthday party. At the gym this morning, I got to meet Santa Claus. Now, I'm not going to lie to you...I think this guy was an impostor. He was an extremely tan man, and he wasn't overweight at all. He didn't say, "Ho, ho, ho", and his hair and beard were both separated from his head. The final thing that bothered me is that he asked every kid, "Have you been naughty or nice?" Doesn't the real Santa already know this? Doesn't he have a list that he checks twice? Why does he need to ask? But see, Santa's gifts are contingent on your behavior. If you've been good all year, he will bring you presents. If not, you get coal - or nothing.
Birthdays are a little different. Birthdays are the day you get a gift no matter how you've really acted. It's just a celebration of you being alive. No matter what you've done, you still get these gifts. For some reason, it's the one day a year people forget a lot of the negative sides of you and focus all on the good and celebrate. People all show up, party, and give you lots of presents. On a side note, the birthday party I went to tonight was for an amazing student who doesn't have anything negative that people need to "forget". But in general, birthday parties are the time when we just celebrate.
With some people thinking the world is ending, I want to give you some comfort.
[This is me with Santa Claus (left) and me at my student's birthday party
with the birthday boy himself (right)]
I know all this doesn't make sense yet. Why would I talk about birthdays and Santa Claus and the end of the world? See, even if the world was ending, I know where I'm going. I know that when all is said and done, I'll be in Heaven with Jesus, partying the day away, and that's not because I'm some amazing person. It's because Jesus gives His gift like a birthday, not like Santa Claus.
Jesus doesn't expect us to be perfect and then come to Him. Yes, He's always watching, and yes, He knows if we've been naughty or nice, but His gift of eternal life isn't contingent upon our "goodness". If the end of the world really is coming, do you know where you're gonna end up? I mean, do you know for sure? And are you happy with your answer? If you're unsure or if you're unhappy because you don't think you'll be in Heaven, then let me tell you how to receive Jesus' gift.
All you have to do to receive His gift is pray this simple prayer...
Dear God,
I've screwed up a lot. There is no way I can take care of all my mess-ups on my own. I need your help. Please God, send Your Son, Jesus, into my heart. I believe He died for my sins and He loves me and I want Him to take over my life and make me new. I want to live the best life on earth, and I want to be with you in Heaven. I love you. Help me to love you more. It's in Your Son's name I pray, Amen
If you have prayed this prayer - whether it was just now or at any point in your life - you can be absolutely sure of where you'll be spending eternity. And if you did pray it just now, Jesus has given you a gift like it's your birthday - because it IS your birthday. You've now been "born again" and Jesus is so excited for you!!!
Receive His gift. Celebrate your new birthday, and don't fear the end of the world because you know where you're going now.
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. As the Scriptures tell us, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced.” (Romans 10:9-11 NLT)
All exercises 4x12
Box squats - 275 pounds superset with lateral raises - 25 pound dumbbells
Barbell shoulder press - 125 pounds superset with alternating dumbbell chest press - 65 pound dumbbells
Barbell step ups - 115 pounds
Bench press - 180 pounds
Alternating front raises - 30 pound dumbbells superset with chest flys - 70 pound dumbbells
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Time Will Tell by The Browning (Suggested to me by the man, the myth, the legend, John Wells. It's an amazing song, and a great band. As John describes it "Dubstep Metal".)
2. Just Wanna Rock N Roll by Rodney Atkins
3. No Matter What by Rapture Ruckus
Till next time homies,
Talk to you tomorrow night (if the world doesn't end)
Peace and much love.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
(This is a picture of the x-ray machine that was used on me today)
If you read yesterday's post, you know that I had to go this morning to get my finger x-rayed. It has been hurting for about a week now, and yesterday I really agitated it during a lift. So this morning at 9am, I went over to see my good friend Dr. Young at Middletown Internal Medicine. We sat and talked about my finger and he examined it. There's slight swelling, but the biggest indicator of something wrong is how tender my finger is. I can bend it pretty well, even though it's stiff, but when someone touches the joint or the bone, it really does not feel good. He had several different theories of what could be wrong, but couldn't identify it 100% without being able to see inside. So Dr. Young ordered an x-ray. I can guess and read the internet and self-diagnose and everything else, but the only person who can really tell me what's wrong is Dr. Young. And the only way he can really know is by looking on the inside. I can freak myself out thinking the worst or I can calm myself down and not give enough concern, but until Dr. Young tells me what's wrong, I can't know for sure.
Someone asked me recently why God would much rather give us a "compass" than show us a map and tell us where we're going to end up. What this means is God will show us what direction to go right now, but He won't really show us where we're going to end up. When we read stories in the Bible, we see that's generally how God works. We see it in the story of Abraham of Jonah and of Paul amongst countless others. So why would God do that? Why not just tell us where we're gonna end up and show us the path to get there? I think it has a lot to do with the same thing as my x-ray.
See, God is the only One who can tell us what's going on. He's the only One who can see inside us. And I think the reason He doesn't show us everything at once comes down to one thing. God wants you to end up where He wants you. But that's only part of it. He doesn't just want you to end up there. He wants you to get there His way, not yours. Why is that? Because He is the only One who can see inside you and "diagnose" you and fix you into the person He wants you to be. But after He diagnoses you, He wants you to follow His treatment plan.
If all Dr. Young did was tell me what was wrong with me, there would be all sorts of ways I'd be able to fix myself. If he told me it was a broken finger, I could tape it up, disregard it, splint it, go to another doctor, or any number of other things. But he told me what to do in different scenarios and we'll follow whatever plan He has whenever we have a final diagnosis. God is exactly the same way. He wants to show us what to fix and then fix it His way. With each day comes a different diagnosis and a different treatment plan. He won't show you the end, but He will show you what He wants from you today. Follow the plans He shows you and you'll always be right where He wants you.
Don't worry about the end. Just think about today. Tomorrow has enough to worry about on its own. Don't just get to the end cause that's not the only goal. Get there His way.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT)
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." (Matthew 6:34 NLT)
"For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so my ways are higher than your ways
and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:9 NLT)
so my ways are higher than your ways
and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:9 NLT)
Till next time homies,
Just keep swimming,
Peace and much love.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
The Most Dangerous Sin
Bane has weaknesses. If you haven't seen the movie or ever seen a picture of Bane, he has two things that explain these weaknesses. The first is his mask. Bane wears a mask to keep him alive. Just like Darth Vader, the mask keeps him alive. Well, kind of anyway. In the movie, The Dark Knight Rises, Bane's mask feeds him pain killers which help him with his spinal injuries. Without the mask, Bane would be not only in excruciating pain, but would die because his injuries would not be being treated. Bane also wears a gauntlet. While there are all sorts of theories of why he wears the gauntlet, the most popular theory is that he uses it for protection to block punches. But why only one arm? Perhaps Bane has another injury which is covered by the gauntlet and would hurt tremendously if he were attacked in that spot. I don't think Bane went to a doctor because I don't know any doctor who would prescribe a mask and a gauntlet to be worn for pain.
Today at the gym, I further injured my pinky. If you've kept up with the posts, you know that I have been working on fixing it for quite some time and that I was even placed on medical rest for a few days to allow it some time to recover. I was doing dumbbell shrugs today using 100 pound dumbbells when I felt a shooting pain through my pinky. Over the past few days, the pain has been agitated when I would use or apply pressure to my pinky, but after doing the shrugs, the pain became constant. I should have listened to my medical team and wrapped it. I didn't, and because of that, I got more injured.
Tomorrow I'm getting my finger fully examined by a doctor so he can tell me what to do. See, there are three things I can do wrong when it comes to injuries. I can:
1. Not tell anyone about it (which I did for a short period of time)
2. Tell people about it who can help me, but disregard their advice (which I did today and caused me to further my injury)
3. Tell people about it who can help me and listen to their advice on what to do.
I should have done the third thing. After all, I have a medical team for a reason. At first, I tried to hide the injury from them (that is the most harmful thing I could do), then I tried to disregard their advice (which was also harmful), now I'm going to heed their advice and get it looked at and taken care of.
(This is a picture of my finger after I wrapped it after the dumbbell shrugs. I finished my workout with it like this.)
Sin is the same way. The most dangerous thing we can do with our sin is hide it. When we try to work it on our own, the Devil has us right where he wants us. It will only get worse if we don't get help. The second most harmful thing we can do is get advice from someone wiser than ourselves and then disregard it. Again, when we think we know what's best and work alone, we will almost always undoubtedly fail. The final option is best. We need to seek Godly wisdom and heed the advice we receive. When we partner with someone who can help, we are much better off.
Don't hurt yourself. Whatever it is in your life, confess it and get some help. Remember, the most dangerous sin is a hidden one.
"For he will bring our darkest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives." (1 Corinthians 4:5b NLT)
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." (James 5:16a NLT)
All exercises 4x12
Clean pulls - 160 pounds
SLDL - 170 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 110 pounds
Power shrugs - 140 pounds
Dumbbell shrugs - 100 pound dumbbells
Seated rows - 115 pounds
Reverse flys - 20 pound dumbbells
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. We Come Running by Youngblood Hawke
2. Girls Just Want to Have Fun cover by The Maine
3. Ships in the Night by Mat Kearney
Till next time,
Peace and much love.
Tomorrow I'm getting my finger fully examined by a doctor so he can tell me what to do. See, there are three things I can do wrong when it comes to injuries. I can:
1. Not tell anyone about it (which I did for a short period of time)
2. Tell people about it who can help me, but disregard their advice (which I did today and caused me to further my injury)
3. Tell people about it who can help me and listen to their advice on what to do.
I should have done the third thing. After all, I have a medical team for a reason. At first, I tried to hide the injury from them (that is the most harmful thing I could do), then I tried to disregard their advice (which was also harmful), now I'm going to heed their advice and get it looked at and taken care of.
(This is a picture of my finger after I wrapped it after the dumbbell shrugs. I finished my workout with it like this.)
Sin is the same way. The most dangerous thing we can do with our sin is hide it. When we try to work it on our own, the Devil has us right where he wants us. It will only get worse if we don't get help. The second most harmful thing we can do is get advice from someone wiser than ourselves and then disregard it. Again, when we think we know what's best and work alone, we will almost always undoubtedly fail. The final option is best. We need to seek Godly wisdom and heed the advice we receive. When we partner with someone who can help, we are much better off.
Don't hurt yourself. Whatever it is in your life, confess it and get some help. Remember, the most dangerous sin is a hidden one.
"For he will bring our darkest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives." (1 Corinthians 4:5b NLT)
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." (James 5:16a NLT)
All exercises 4x12
Clean pulls - 160 pounds
SLDL - 170 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 110 pounds
Power shrugs - 140 pounds
Dumbbell shrugs - 100 pound dumbbells
Seated rows - 115 pounds
Reverse flys - 20 pound dumbbells
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. We Come Running by Youngblood Hawke
2. Girls Just Want to Have Fun cover by The Maine
3. Ships in the Night by Mat Kearney
Till next time,
Peace and much love.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Can You Smell What I'm Cookin?
This morning I woke up remembering that I had been on medical rest from heavy weight lifting for several days. I didn't quite know how today's workout would go because of the pause in my schedule. I was going through my normal routine of reading my Facebook News Feed and my Twitter Timeline when something caught my eye. There was a Tweet from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (@TheRock on Twitter if you'd like to follow him). His tweet was amazing. Below is a picture of what I saw.
That was an amazing inspiration. The man has been through so much including, but not limited to, 5 knee surgeries and ruptured discs. Yet through it all he says, "Still find a way." Look at his legs! They're incredible! There are two things this taught me. One is what I discussed yesterday - you can make excuses, or you can make progress. The second thing is that you never know what you may mean to someone. See, The Rock has tons of people following him. I'm sure that at times it's even overwhelming for him to see all the people who look up to him. He means a lot to a lot of different people, but today he really meant a lot to me. Let me explain.
Because I was so inspired, I went up on nearly every exercise at the gym. While some of it was just five pound increases, there were several increases impressive to me. I went up fifteen pounds on my barbell step-ups and ten pounds on my bench press. However, the most impressive weight was my box squat. The last time I did this exercises was in November and I felt like I was going to explode when I only had 185 pounds to lift. Today, I did the exercise with more reps and was able to increase my weight to 275 pounds - that's a 90 pound increase for those of you not too good at math. Why was I able to do this? Because I saw someone else who I could look up to. I was inspired because someone else was hurt, but they "Still find a way."
The Rock may never know that his tweet meant anything at all, but to me it was amazing to be inspired.
That was an amazing inspiration. The man has been through so much including, but not limited to, 5 knee surgeries and ruptured discs. Yet through it all he says, "Still find a way." Look at his legs! They're incredible! There are two things this taught me. One is what I discussed yesterday - you can make excuses, or you can make progress. The second thing is that you never know what you may mean to someone. See, The Rock has tons of people following him. I'm sure that at times it's even overwhelming for him to see all the people who look up to him. He means a lot to a lot of different people, but today he really meant a lot to me. Let me explain.
Because I was so inspired, I went up on nearly every exercise at the gym. While some of it was just five pound increases, there were several increases impressive to me. I went up fifteen pounds on my barbell step-ups and ten pounds on my bench press. However, the most impressive weight was my box squat. The last time I did this exercises was in November and I felt like I was going to explode when I only had 185 pounds to lift. Today, I did the exercise with more reps and was able to increase my weight to 275 pounds - that's a 90 pound increase for those of you not too good at math. Why was I able to do this? Because I saw someone else who I could look up to. I was inspired because someone else was hurt, but they "Still find a way."
The Rock may never know that his tweet meant anything at all, but to me it was amazing to be inspired.
(This is the most amazing picture I've ever had of me working out.
This is the box squat exercise from today with 275 pounds.)
What I think we all need to remember is that we are always being watched. I don't mean in some CIA conspiracy type way. I mean in our everyday lives, everything we do, everywhere we go, people are watching us and forming impressions of who we are and who God is because of what they see. We should be good examples. We should be filled with the things God tells us to be filled with and avoid the things He tells us to avoid. The ones who watch us should be inspired to do better because no matter what we are going through, we "Still find a way" to be who God wants us to be.
You'll never know who's watching or who's being inspired, so always live in a way to be an inspiration.
“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." (Matthew 5:13-16 NLT)
All exercises 4x12
Box squats - 275 pounds superset with lateral raises 25 pound dumbbells
Barbell shoulder press - 125 pounds superset with alternating dumbbell chest press - 65 pound dumbbells
Barbell step-ups - 115 pounds
Alternating front raises - 30 pound dumbbells superset with chest flys - 70 pound dumbbells
Barbell bench press - 165 pounds
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Jesus, Savior by Christ August
2. Between the Raindrops by Lifehouse
3. No Matter What by Rapture Ruckus
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love.
All exercises 4x12
Box squats - 275 pounds superset with lateral raises 25 pound dumbbells
Barbell shoulder press - 125 pounds superset with alternating dumbbell chest press - 65 pound dumbbells
Barbell step-ups - 115 pounds
Alternating front raises - 30 pound dumbbells superset with chest flys - 70 pound dumbbells
Barbell bench press - 165 pounds
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Jesus, Savior by Christ August
2. Between the Raindrops by Lifehouse
3. No Matter What by Rapture Ruckus
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
I Was Wondering What Would Break First...
As we know, every super hero and villain need excellent tag lines. Spiderman has "With great power comes great responsibility." The Hulk has "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." Superman is faster than a speeding bullet. Captain America is a hero for all generations. Batman says, "I'm Batman." And let's not forget the villains. Joker always questions why everyone is so serious. Darth Vader's famous quote of telling Luke he is his father will always remain a classic. And my favorite, Bane, says to Batman, "I was wondering what would break first...your spirit or your body."
This past week has been rough for me. With every lift, my pinky (though small) was filled with shooting pains. My back and neck compressed more and more, and there were times where I just felt like I couldn't go on. So on Friday and then again today, I was placed on "medical rest" in order for my body to heal before the final two weeks where I can go intense with every single weight I lift. While I have been resting, there are times where I just start to blame everything else. I start to blame equipment or other people for the reasons I've been hurt. Sometimes I do blame myself, but it's always with an "if it wasn't for..." attached to it. So through this entire project, I've come up with my own villainous tag line.
"You can make excuses or you can make progress. The choice is yours."
What I needed to realize is that no one is responsible for anything I do except for me. And typically, no one is responsible for anything that happens to me except for me. No one can force me to do or not to do anything. It's all my choice. I have two weeks to go insane with every single workout and make my body and muscles explode. I can complain about my pinky, my neck, my back, and make excuses. Or I can pull it together and go for it. I've got to just go absolutely insane and make it happen. That's what I'm gonna do. My body may be breaking down, but my spirit is not even close to it. It's time for me to quit making excuses and start exploding with progress for the final portion of this project.
Our spiritual lives are the same. When sin comes our way, we can make excuses as to why we give in. We can blame other people and other things, but in the end, it's our choice. No one and no thing can make us sin. When we disobey God, it's our choice. No one else is to blame. When it comes to eliminating sin from your life, you can either make excuses or progress. The choice is yours.
Tomorrow, I get back on the workouts. It's time to go insane people. the countdown has begun. January 1 gets closer every second. It's time to go insane. It's time to Become Bane.
"Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer your master" (Romans 6:12-14a NLT)
Till next time homies,
Stay strong.
Peace and much love.

This past week has been rough for me. With every lift, my pinky (though small) was filled with shooting pains. My back and neck compressed more and more, and there were times where I just felt like I couldn't go on. So on Friday and then again today, I was placed on "medical rest" in order for my body to heal before the final two weeks where I can go intense with every single weight I lift. While I have been resting, there are times where I just start to blame everything else. I start to blame equipment or other people for the reasons I've been hurt. Sometimes I do blame myself, but it's always with an "if it wasn't for..." attached to it. So through this entire project, I've come up with my own villainous tag line.
"You can make excuses or you can make progress. The choice is yours."
What I needed to realize is that no one is responsible for anything I do except for me. And typically, no one is responsible for anything that happens to me except for me. No one can force me to do or not to do anything. It's all my choice. I have two weeks to go insane with every single workout and make my body and muscles explode. I can complain about my pinky, my neck, my back, and make excuses. Or I can pull it together and go for it. I've got to just go absolutely insane and make it happen. That's what I'm gonna do. My body may be breaking down, but my spirit is not even close to it. It's time for me to quit making excuses and start exploding with progress for the final portion of this project.
Our spiritual lives are the same. When sin comes our way, we can make excuses as to why we give in. We can blame other people and other things, but in the end, it's our choice. No one and no thing can make us sin. When we disobey God, it's our choice. No one else is to blame. When it comes to eliminating sin from your life, you can either make excuses or progress. The choice is yours.
Tomorrow, I get back on the workouts. It's time to go insane people. the countdown has begun. January 1 gets closer every second. It's time to go insane. It's time to Become Bane.
"Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer your master" (Romans 6:12-14a NLT)
Till next time homies,
Stay strong.
Peace and much love.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
The Christmas Quiz
This morning in boot camp, we opened class with an annual tradition - the Christmas Quiz. Now usually when you'd think of a Christmas quiz, you'd think of questions pertaining to Christmas. That is not the case with this quiz. This quiz is designed to see how well each of us knew the other members in the class. We have to pay attention all year to different things people say and do in order to be successful in the quiz. There were all sorts of questions that tested to see what we knew (or didn't know) about each-other.
It was a lot of fun to remember different times and figure out different things about everyone I see every week. See, it wasn't enough to just show up. I had to pay attention and really listen to everyone. And it also wasn't enough to just show up one week. I wouldn't know everything I know about everyone in that class if it weren't for showing up every week, listening, and really investing in each-other's lives. That's one thing that sets our fitness class apart from a lot of others. We are so much more than a fitness class. We tell each-other what's going on in our lives - good and bad. And when one of us has something to share, the others listen.
Our Christian lives should be the same way. We need to let other people in on what is really happening with our lives. It shouldn't be enough for us to just show up and be around people. There should be relationships that we seek out to open up and really share everything with. Good things, bad things, all things should be shared with some people. If we only let people see us surface level, it's not good for us or them.
Think about your Christian friends. What if you had a quiz about them? What if they had a quiz about you? Would they and you be able to answer more than just your names? Do you let people in or do you hold them at a distance? The more we know about each-other and the more we let people know about ourselves, the better we can all function - together and individually.
Don't live life alone. Let people in.
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." (James 5:16a NLT)
Till next time,
Peace and much love.
It was a lot of fun to remember different times and figure out different things about everyone I see every week. See, it wasn't enough to just show up. I had to pay attention and really listen to everyone. And it also wasn't enough to just show up one week. I wouldn't know everything I know about everyone in that class if it weren't for showing up every week, listening, and really investing in each-other's lives. That's one thing that sets our fitness class apart from a lot of others. We are so much more than a fitness class. We tell each-other what's going on in our lives - good and bad. And when one of us has something to share, the others listen.
Our Christian lives should be the same way. We need to let other people in on what is really happening with our lives. It shouldn't be enough for us to just show up and be around people. There should be relationships that we seek out to open up and really share everything with. Good things, bad things, all things should be shared with some people. If we only let people see us surface level, it's not good for us or them.
Think about your Christian friends. What if you had a quiz about them? What if they had a quiz about you? Would they and you be able to answer more than just your names? Do you let people in or do you hold them at a distance? The more we know about each-other and the more we let people know about ourselves, the better we can all function - together and individually.
Don't live life alone. Let people in.
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." (James 5:16a NLT)
Till next time,
Peace and much love.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Concerts and Chaos
Today was a great day for me, but sad for so many in our country. I'll start by recalling the events that took place this morning in Connecticut.
At around 9:30 this morning, a man entered an elementary school and began to open fire. At the end of the rampage, the man was dead along with many students and staff of the school. My deepest condolences go out to the friends and family of all those lost in the tragedy as well as those who were traumatized by the events that took place. Today is a day that scares me to think about being a dad one day. And I'm so sorry for those who lost their babies in this awful event.
Now, let me tell you about what I did this evening and how it relates to this awful tragedy.
Tonight was a good event for me though. I attended The Family Force 5 Christmas Pageant with two of my students and several of my friends. Not only was Fanily Force 5 playing, but another one of my favorite bands, Rapture Ruckus, was also there.
If you've never checked out Rapture Ruckus, you need to! Their songs are absolutely amazing. To me, they're so inspiring because a lot of them talk about hope in terrible situations. The lead singer of Rapture Ruckus shared his testimony this evening at their amazing show. He said he used to be deep in the throws of drug addiction and it was only through God's grace finding Jesus that he is able to even be alive today to share his music. Maybe that's why their music means so much - because it's real. When he sings about hope, it's not a "canned" product. He lived it, believes it, and truly feels that there is hope in every situation.
[That's me and Brad - the lead singer of Rapture Ruckus (top left), Brad rocking out during their song 'Tonight' (top right), and the end of their concert (bottom)]
There are three ways the awful tragedy this morning and the concert I went to tonight are interconnected:
1. This blog is entitled "Becoming Bane", but tonight while I was with my students, I was thinking through what I would do if anyone ever tried to harm them. I would throw myself in front of anything to protect them - just like many of the staff at that school did. As Christians, we are called to protect those who cannot protect themselves and while I may be trying to look like Bane, I will destroy anyone who tries to harm a child.
2. I know that when we cry, God cries with us. And when we rejoice, God rejoices with us. For those of you who have reasons to rejoice, God is rejoicing with you - just like we did at the concert tonight. And to those families who lost someone or who were affected by the events this morning, God is with you and He's mourning and crying right there with you.
3. If there's anything I know, there is always hope. No matter what you've ever faced, are facing, or ever will face, there is hope. Please believe that. Never let anyone tell you your situation is hopeless or you are lost without a cause. God will never give up on you or your situation. Let Him be there with you.
I can't explain why bad things happen, and I can't explain why God also allows some good things to happen to some people and bad things to happen to others, but I do know He loves you. I do know there's hope. Let Him give it to you.
"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NLT)
Till next time,
Peace and much love.
At around 9:30 this morning, a man entered an elementary school and began to open fire. At the end of the rampage, the man was dead along with many students and staff of the school. My deepest condolences go out to the friends and family of all those lost in the tragedy as well as those who were traumatized by the events that took place. Today is a day that scares me to think about being a dad one day. And I'm so sorry for those who lost their babies in this awful event.
Now, let me tell you about what I did this evening and how it relates to this awful tragedy.
Tonight was a good event for me though. I attended The Family Force 5 Christmas Pageant with two of my students and several of my friends. Not only was Fanily Force 5 playing, but another one of my favorite bands, Rapture Ruckus, was also there.
If you've never checked out Rapture Ruckus, you need to! Their songs are absolutely amazing. To me, they're so inspiring because a lot of them talk about hope in terrible situations. The lead singer of Rapture Ruckus shared his testimony this evening at their amazing show. He said he used to be deep in the throws of drug addiction and it was only through God's grace finding Jesus that he is able to even be alive today to share his music. Maybe that's why their music means so much - because it's real. When he sings about hope, it's not a "canned" product. He lived it, believes it, and truly feels that there is hope in every situation.
[That's me and Brad - the lead singer of Rapture Ruckus (top left), Brad rocking out during their song 'Tonight' (top right), and the end of their concert (bottom)]
There are three ways the awful tragedy this morning and the concert I went to tonight are interconnected:
1. This blog is entitled "Becoming Bane", but tonight while I was with my students, I was thinking through what I would do if anyone ever tried to harm them. I would throw myself in front of anything to protect them - just like many of the staff at that school did. As Christians, we are called to protect those who cannot protect themselves and while I may be trying to look like Bane, I will destroy anyone who tries to harm a child.
2. I know that when we cry, God cries with us. And when we rejoice, God rejoices with us. For those of you who have reasons to rejoice, God is rejoicing with you - just like we did at the concert tonight. And to those families who lost someone or who were affected by the events this morning, God is with you and He's mourning and crying right there with you.
3. If there's anything I know, there is always hope. No matter what you've ever faced, are facing, or ever will face, there is hope. Please believe that. Never let anyone tell you your situation is hopeless or you are lost without a cause. God will never give up on you or your situation. Let Him be there with you.
I can't explain why bad things happen, and I can't explain why God also allows some good things to happen to some people and bad things to happen to others, but I do know He loves you. I do know there's hope. Let Him give it to you.
"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NLT)
Till next time,
Peace and much love.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The Workout That Never Ends
Today I was at the gym for five hours and it was intense. RJ and I decided to go for the workout of our lives today and I can say we definitely accomplished it. We started off with pilates which was killer today. Our abs were on fire the entire time. Following pilates, we went to a cycling class for 30 minutes. By the end of those two classes, RJ and I were exhausted and sweating everywhere. But we couldn't stop there. We continued for another two and a half hours with our strength workout. Sure, we paused to talk and everything, but it was a great workout nonetheless.
The trainers all make fun of me now because they say I do the workouts that never end. They all say that I'm there longer than they are (which is sometimes true). But what can I say? I just really enjoy working out now. And with all of you watching the progress and counting on me to make it, I just push myself even harder. It's fun for me to be at the gym for that long. I get to interact with great people, and I get to better myself because of it.
In our lives, God also calls us to do something continuously. God tells us to pray without ceasing. In good times, in bad times, in awkward times, in normal times, in sad times, in exciting times, and in all times - we should pray. If we do, we get to interact with the God of the universe who is in charge of everything that happens. So why would we not want to talk to Him about it all?
Be excited to talk to God always because He is definitely always excited to talk with you.
"Never stop praying." (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NLT)
All exercises 4x12 unless otherwise specified
Clean pulls - 160 pounds
SLDL - 160 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 105 pounds
Power shrugs - 140 pounds
Dumbbell shrugs - 100 pound dumbbells
Seated rows 3x12 - 110 pounds
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Middle of Your Heart by For King & Country
2. Just Wanna Rock N Roll by Rodney Atkins
3. Try by Pink
Till next time,
Peace and much love.
The trainers all make fun of me now because they say I do the workouts that never end. They all say that I'm there longer than they are (which is sometimes true). But what can I say? I just really enjoy working out now. And with all of you watching the progress and counting on me to make it, I just push myself even harder. It's fun for me to be at the gym for that long. I get to interact with great people, and I get to better myself because of it.
In our lives, God also calls us to do something continuously. God tells us to pray without ceasing. In good times, in bad times, in awkward times, in normal times, in sad times, in exciting times, and in all times - we should pray. If we do, we get to interact with the God of the universe who is in charge of everything that happens. So why would we not want to talk to Him about it all?
Be excited to talk to God always because He is definitely always excited to talk with you.
"Never stop praying." (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NLT)
All exercises 4x12 unless otherwise specified
Clean pulls - 160 pounds
SLDL - 160 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 105 pounds
Power shrugs - 140 pounds
Dumbbell shrugs - 100 pound dumbbells
Seated rows 3x12 - 110 pounds
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Middle of Your Heart by For King & Country
2. Just Wanna Rock N Roll by Rodney Atkins
3. Try by Pink
Till next time,
Peace and much love.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Safety Day
Today I attended a special seminar at my second employer, Brooklawn Child & Family Services. It's a great place with great people and has been an unbelievably rewarding experience for me. I work with kids who have some issues to work through because of past trauma in their lives. To see a kid respond and know that someone cares about them is worth more than gold. That's what I believe we at Brooklawn do. We let kids know someone cares. But today was "Safety Day". Basically, that means they run you through pretty much every test known to man.
I got my blood pressure taken, a BMI done, blood sugar read, waist measured, bone density tested, pulse taken, and I was also tested for TB (and I got a free massage at the end of it!). All these tests are basically for insurance purposes to make sure that nothing we have to do is going to kill us. But it was fun for me. There were people skipping some of the tests because they weren't all mandatory, but I really enjoyed seeing my results in everything. Below, I've posted what the numbers said about me.
BMI: 26.5 (About 5% "Over Ideal Weight", but the lady let me know that muscle weighs more than fat and that my numbers were perfect for my size because of my muscle build.)
Waist Size: 35 inches (That's one inch less than what I've measured, but she measured in a different way than we do for the Becoming Bane project.)
Blood Sugar Reading: 107 (It had been one hour since I'd eaten and the lady said my numbers were perfect!)
Heart Rate: 73 beats per minute (We were up walking around, so my numbers should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. After the lady took my reading she looked at me and said, "Do you exercise?" And I told her I did. She said, "That explains why your numbers are so good." That made me feel great!)
Osteoporosis Screening (Bone Density): I'm actually at such a low risk for osteoporosis that the scale doesn't have a number for me. (The lady said, "You're off the charts, but in a good way. I've just gotta draw in on here what you would be.)
Blood Pressure: 139/76 (This is not a great reading. You want these numbers to be at or below 120/80. My bottom number is great, but my top number is high. Derek and I were able to figure out the issue and we're going to test again on Sunday to see if we were correct.)
All in all, it was so cool to see that my results of overall fitness are going so well. It's not just that I'm gaining muscle, but my entire body is responding in good ways.
As the church, we are a body. The amazing thing is that when one part of us is doing really well, that typically causes all the rest of the parts to do well. However, if one part is failing, it causes all the other parts to suffer as well. At church, are you someone who complains all the time and never tries to help? Are you someone who only shows up occasionally and never really gets connected? Do you feel like you don't even need church because you're doing just fine on your own?
None of these things are healthy responses. We are meant to be together - as a church. We are meant to all work together and do things we can't do alone and experience God in ways that we can't alone. Without the entire body functioning together, we can never be everything we were made to be. If you are missing, the body is hurting! Get plugged in and get to work because we need you! Don't be the part that makes us all suffer. Be the part that encourages and helps everyone succeed along with you.
We were meant to be together: Learning, living, serving, worshipping, and loving together. Don't try to do it alone, and don't make someone else do it without you.
"If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.
All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it." (1 Corinthians 12:26-27 NLT)
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love.
I got my blood pressure taken, a BMI done, blood sugar read, waist measured, bone density tested, pulse taken, and I was also tested for TB (and I got a free massage at the end of it!). All these tests are basically for insurance purposes to make sure that nothing we have to do is going to kill us. But it was fun for me. There were people skipping some of the tests because they weren't all mandatory, but I really enjoyed seeing my results in everything. Below, I've posted what the numbers said about me.
BMI: 26.5 (About 5% "Over Ideal Weight", but the lady let me know that muscle weighs more than fat and that my numbers were perfect for my size because of my muscle build.)
Waist Size: 35 inches (That's one inch less than what I've measured, but she measured in a different way than we do for the Becoming Bane project.)
Blood Sugar Reading: 107 (It had been one hour since I'd eaten and the lady said my numbers were perfect!)
Heart Rate: 73 beats per minute (We were up walking around, so my numbers should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. After the lady took my reading she looked at me and said, "Do you exercise?" And I told her I did. She said, "That explains why your numbers are so good." That made me feel great!)
Osteoporosis Screening (Bone Density): I'm actually at such a low risk for osteoporosis that the scale doesn't have a number for me. (The lady said, "You're off the charts, but in a good way. I've just gotta draw in on here what you would be.)
Blood Pressure: 139/76 (This is not a great reading. You want these numbers to be at or below 120/80. My bottom number is great, but my top number is high. Derek and I were able to figure out the issue and we're going to test again on Sunday to see if we were correct.)
All in all, it was so cool to see that my results of overall fitness are going so well. It's not just that I'm gaining muscle, but my entire body is responding in good ways.
(These are the papers which show all the results from all my tests taken today.)
As the church, we are a body. The amazing thing is that when one part of us is doing really well, that typically causes all the rest of the parts to do well. However, if one part is failing, it causes all the other parts to suffer as well. At church, are you someone who complains all the time and never tries to help? Are you someone who only shows up occasionally and never really gets connected? Do you feel like you don't even need church because you're doing just fine on your own?
None of these things are healthy responses. We are meant to be together - as a church. We are meant to all work together and do things we can't do alone and experience God in ways that we can't alone. Without the entire body functioning together, we can never be everything we were made to be. If you are missing, the body is hurting! Get plugged in and get to work because we need you! Don't be the part that makes us all suffer. Be the part that encourages and helps everyone succeed along with you.
We were meant to be together: Learning, living, serving, worshipping, and loving together. Don't try to do it alone, and don't make someone else do it without you.
As just a side note, I would like to say something that really meant a lot to me at church tonight. One of my students brought me a Christmas present. She showed it to me in the box all wrapped and through the front I could see some chocolate chip looking cookies. Now, I don't eat a lot of cookies or anything, but it meant the world to me that she would make those and bring them to me. But what happened next changed my entire mindset. She looked at me and said, "They're chocolate protein balls." How thoughtful!!! It was amazing to me that she not only thought to bring me a gift, not only thought to make me something, but also thought through my concern for my diet and made me something so special. I will forever remember that gift as an absolutely amazing one. Thank you so much!!! That's just one of the cool things that comes from having a loving church family."If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.
All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it." (1 Corinthians 12:26-27 NLT)
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love.
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