Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Things I Just Don't Do...

There are a few things in life that I've decided just aren't for me. These are things which I've decided that, for whatever reason, are either too disgusting, too weird, or just too dangerous for me to take part in or attempt. Let me tell you some of the things that Stu "shalt not" do.

- Stu shalt not listen to One Direction while working out. There's a lot of music on my playlists which I understand is highly controversial. However, One Direction is where I draw the line.

- Stu shalt not use a port-a-potty. These disease infested filth holes are not a place where I will place myself. There are only a few things in life that I think I'm actually "above". Using a port-a-potty is one of those things.

- Stu shalt not change a poopy diaper. After I'd already initially posted this entry, my friend, Kim, reminded me of this commandment of mine. Poopy diapers are horrible. I don't change them - not for anyone else, and when I have children's of my own, my wife will need to take care of the poopy diapers cause I just don't deal with that.

There's one of my commands I'd like to focus on tonight though, and that's this one: Stu shalt not do flips.
See, I've always wanted to do cool looking flips. Front flips, back flips, one and a halfs, gainers, etc. but I had an experience which traumatized me. When I was young, I jumped off a diving board and tried to do a front flip. Instead of landing the flip, I landed flat on my back. Ever since that moment (which was over 10 years ago), I just don't do flips. Well, when you're trying to be a wrestler, you've got to flip.

This is my third week in training and each class has gotten progressively more intense, and more fun. But the intensity level means that the danger level is also raising. We've been working on a "bump" called a "flip bump" since day one of class. Let me try to explain. Basically, all you do is flip forward and land on your back. It seems simple enough, but every single instinct in your body will try to prevent you from landing on your back. Landing on your arm, shoulder, legs, even butt are acceptable, but not your back. That, paired with the fact that I just don't do flips, has made this an extremely daunting task for me.

Yesterday, I decided I was going to go for it. I was supposed to land the bump twice. For the first attempt, I used a spotter and I nailed it. So, my time had come. I was going to attempt the flip without a spotter for the first time. My spotter moved out of the way and I stood there, looking down at where I was to land. Though my feet were planted firmly on the ground, it seemed like I was a mile in the air. I took a deep breath and continued to stare. Then, all of a sudden, something awesome happened.

Everyone in the class started cheering for me. "You got this, Stu. You can do it! Just go for it! You got this!" And I was filled with so much confidence. I took one final breath and leapt into the air, twisting my body forward. In the air, I remembered the accident that happened last week where I landed on my neck. This was not going to be the same. I flipped forward, and landed square on my back. Everyone erupted in applause and I felt amazing.

I needed some pushing and I needed some encouragement. Without those people there and without seeing them all go before me and prove it was okay, I don't think it would have ever happened for me. But now, I can do it.

Jesus did the same thing for us. He went before us to show us that no matter what we face, we can deal with it. He stands with us to show that we don't have to have fear. He will "spot" you and encourage you every step of the way. Let Him be there for you and you won't have to have any fear.

With Him, you can do the impossible.

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NLT)

Till next week homies,
Peace and much love.

1 comment:

  1. 1) "when I was young" was only 10 years ago for you - that makes me feel so old! 2) I am going to strategically place myself nt you for every staff mtg so Latham can poop as close to you as possible. 3) beautiful analogy with the flip - Christ sometimes asks us to do things that go against everything our mind and body tell us but he is there to spot us and encourage us all the way!! Be blessed stew-roids! April
