Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Body Slam

Tonight in Nick Dinsmore's professional wrestling class at Ohio Valley Wrestling, we learned a difficult and dangerous move - the body slam. In every move we've learned up to this point, the person whom the move is being performed on controls the entire fall and gets to choose when everything happens. The body slam puts your body (and safety) completely in the hands of someone else. This is an incredibly scary feeling. Just knowing that if someone slips or quivers, you could get seriously injured changes a lot about how you learn to trust people. The opposite is also true. Knowing that with any wrong move you could seriously harm someone else is also an overwhelming feeling. To learn to trust others and to gain the trust of others is extremely difficult to do. I think that's in all forms of life, but especially when it comes to physical safety. However, I can say that I trust the other students in my class, and I trust our instructor and I think they trust me too. Once that trust is felt and given, it really changes the way you look at people. I know that I feel a lot closer to the other students now because we have this trust that has grown.

(This is a video of me receiving a body slam and then giving one.)

Even more important than physical safety is eternal safety. God is the One who we can trust with that - as well as all other aspects of our lives. It's really difficult to give all of that trust over, but once we do, it will change everything about our relationship with Him. Once we realize we can trust Him with everything, and once we actually do give Him all of ourselves, it will draw us closer to Him. Getting closer to God is more important and better than getting close to any person. And trusting God is more important and more beneficial than trusting anything on this earth.

People will let us down. They will hurt us - sometimes intentionally and sometimes otherwise, but they will let us down regardless. God never will. He always keeps His promises and He can and will handle anything we throw at Him. Give your life over. Trust Him. Get closer to Him and your life will forever be changed for the better.

"For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. You rule throughout all generations. The Lord always keeps his promises; he is gracious in all he does." Psalm 145:13 (NLT)

Till next time homies,
Peace and much love.

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