Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Drumming in the Gym is a Bad Idea

RJ made fun of me at the gym today, and I probably deserved it. I sustained what most would consider a minor injury, but to me it was a really big deal.

If you've read the blog before, you know that my music means a lot to me. As a matter of fact, in one of the posts there is a video of me dancing to my music at the gym (Check that post out here: Dancing Video Post) Without my music, I am convinced I would lift about half the weight I'm currently lifting. And I get really into it. I dance, play air guitar, and my latest trend has been to play air drums to the music. Usually it's a harmless task which makes people stare and giggle, but nothing comes of it. Today, that was not the case.

I use my lifting straps as "drum sticks" to bang on the air or certain pieces of equipment. Today, as I was drumming on a certain machine, my strap missed my target and I banged my left index finger on a metal bar. I have no idea why, but the pain shot immediately up my arm and made me want to scream. It was a terrible pain. For such a small thing, it really was a big deal to me. Later in my workout, I pinched the same spot on the same finger between two weights and I again almost let out a yelp.

After that happened, I went and showed RJ who quickly made fun of me and told me (sarcastically) it looked so bad that I should probably go get a splint, bandage, and some ice for it. In all honesty, it really did hurt, but I did kinda lose my man card by telling him about it. He was right to make fun of me. I definitely deserved it.

(This is my finger. See how red it is! It's definitely a big deal!!!)

But isn't that how a lot of things are? Aren't the smallest negative comments the ones that leave the most lasting impact? Or what about the smallest kind gesture? Don't people notice those things a lot too? What I'm saying is that something small to you can mean a lot to someone else - either in a good way or a negative way. We need to watch the details. The small things are what leave the biggest impact and what might seem like no big deal to you could build someone up or crush them in a way you never intended.

Build people up. Reach out and do a simple act of kindness. It may be simple to you, but unbelievably meaningful to its recipient.

"...the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire." (James 3:5 NLT)

All exercises 5x10 unless otherwise noted
Clean pulls - 155 pounds
SLDL - 155 pounds superset with close grip pull down - 105 pounds
Power shrugs - 135 pounds
Barbell shrugs - 200 pounds
One arm seated rows(overhand) - 50 pounds superset with reverse flys - 15 pound dumbbells
Negative pull ups - 3x3

Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Grenade cover by Memphis May Fire (I forgot to mention yesterday that my friend John Michael is the one who suggested the "Punk Goes Pop Volume 5" CD to me. This song is off that album and the whole CD is fantastic. Check it out if you've got some music money to spend.)
2. Give Me Faith by Elevation Worship
3. Don't Stop Believin' (Regionals Version) by Glee Cast (Go ahead and judge me.)

That's all for now people.
Till next time, peace and much love.

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