Wednesday, November 7, 2012


It was suggested to me this morning by a good friend of mine, Anne Wegert, that I discuss what I think Bane would say about the election. At first, I thought it was a great idea. Later I thought about it though, and I decided that all of the hateful things Bane would say have already been said - by people on all sides of the election.

What Bane would want everyone to believe is that it's the government's fault that we don't support one another. He ultimately wants everyone to revolt against the institution. Why? Not because it's actually the institution's fault, but because he wants the power himself. See, the reason that there are so many starving and hurt and without hope in this nation is not due to any president. The reason it's happening is because we allow it to happen. Don't get me wrong, our government is not perfect. There's nothing that has ever been nor ever will be perfect about it. But what's even more messed up is how "we the people of the United States of America" aren't doing our parts individually to make sure everyone is taken care of.

When was the last time you gave sacrificially? Have you ever gone out of your way to show love to someone? Do you jump at the chance to help your neighbor? Will you give a dollar to the beggar, or will you automatically assume he's no good?

See, in the end, what Bane would want is for all of us to feel divided. He would want everyone to feel like we have absolutely no power or support because of who's in charge. The reality of it is that we have all the power. We can change our neighborhoods, our cities, our states, our country, and our world if we will quit blaming the shortcomings on other people and step up to do our own individual part.

Help those who can't help themselves.
Love the un-loveables.
Bring hope where there is none.

One of my favorite quotes of all time comes from the moive "Freedom Writers". In the movie, the students talk to a Holocaust survivor. The students ask how the survivor was able to make an impact since she was only one person. The survivor, without missing a beat says, "Even the smallest person can turn on a light in a dark room".

Turn on the light people. Shine bright.

"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." (James 1:27 NLT)

Thanks for reading. Big day tomorrow. 
Till then, peace and much love. 

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