Today I went swimming for the first time in a long time. Now, I have never been a fantastic swimmer. Many of my friends have been on swim teams and they have done their best to coach me through the process of getting better, but I just can't seem to get the hang of it. It's not that I nearly drown every time I get in the pool, I'm just nothing spectacular to watch and that's difficult for me. I like being the best at things, and I just don't think swimming is going to ever be that thing for me. But even with all the times I've swam before, there were some moments today that actually had me scared. The first was when I initially jumped in the pool.
Usually I jump in and have a moment before I take my entire body under the water. That was not the case today. Even though I jumped in feet first, it seemed as though my entire body was underwater all at the same time. I just sank so quickly. There were other times when it felt like the water was literally pulling me down instead of supporting me to float. One of my friends comments finally hit me, "Muscle is much more dense than fat, so it sinks a whole lot quicker."
How dumb is that? To me, the more muscle I gain should make me better at every physical task, but swimming is not one of those things. You have to keep your body riding on the surface of the water, and that is extremely difficult to do with large muscle mass. The entire time, it was like I was fighting gravity sucking me to the bottom. Swimmers are incredibly lean for that very reason. If they carried a lot of dense muscle mass, not only would they be anti-hydrodynamic, but they would also sink too quickly. This is the first time I noticed my size being a true disability. It seems as though because I have gotten better physically, I am brought down more in the pool. It's a bit of an oxymoron. Maybe it would just be easier to put back on all my fat and then I'd be able to float better. But would it be worth it? It would be more comfortable in the water, but in the grand scheme of things, which is better?
In our spiritual lives, the same thing will sometimes happen. As we get closer to God, our friends will see changes that make them uncomfortable. As we give up things from our past and attempt to be everything God wants, we may feel that people are trying to bring us down and cause us to revert back to our old ways. We can't give in! Though they may fight against our change, it is only because there is something in them that makes them know the way they are living isn't right and it makes them uncomfortable. They're not fighting us because we are wrong, they're fighting us because they know they're wrong and that feeling is a terrible one. They would rather see you revert back to your old ways than change themselves because they're extremely comfortable where they are. Don't let anyone bring you down!
You're getting better and that might mean life gets tougher in some areas, but it's worth it. Keep fighting the good fight.
"We must not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and killed his brother. And why did he kill him? Because Cain had been doing what was evil, and his brother had been doing what was righteous. So don’t be surprised, dear brothers and sisters, if the world hates you." (1 John 3:12, 13 NLT)
"Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world." (1 Peter 2:11, 12 NLT)
Aminolast Product Review - This is something you will definitely want to try out!:
There is a product by Gaspari Nutrition called Aminolast, and it is absolutely amazing. I have been using it for the past few days and have noticed a significant difference in my stamina during my workout. The product is designed as a pre, post, or during workout supplement. I use it during my workout and have noticed that I do not tire even when I'm lifting heavier weight.
The product is likened to Gatorade, but Aminolast does not contain any carbohydrates or sugar like Gatorade does. Though I do believe Gatorade serves a purpose, if you are looking for a product to take during your workout, I would highly encourage you to try out Aminolast. Currently, I'm using the Watermelon Blast flavor and it is delicious!
Try it out and see if it makes a difference for you. I'm sure the charge of amino acids during your workout will give you more endurance and make you feel re-energized with every taste. If you try it out, let me know what you think!
All exercises 4x12
Squats - 300 pounds superset with lateral raises - 25 pound dumbbells
Barbell shoulder press - 120 pounds superset with dumbbell alternating chest press - 65 pound dumbbells
Barbell step ups - 100 pounds
Alternating front raises - 25 pound dumbbells superset with chest flys - 65 pound dumbbells
Till next time homies,
Peace and much love
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