Monday, October 1, 2012

It Was Bound To Happen Sooner Or Later

I told you a few posts back that I have two goals whenever I go to the gym.
1. Don't get hurt.
2. Have fun.

Today, I successfully had fun, but I did not successfully not get hurt. Let me describe a pain for you and you can tell me whether it sounds desirable or not. Just imagine this. Imagine someone takes a thousand thumb tacks and shoves them all into your skin at the same time, covering your entire forearm. That is what happened to me today. Due to the growth and strength of my biceps, my forearms have now developed forearm splints, and it is unbelievable pain.

There's not really anything you can do for this problem except for pay attention to the pain and make sure to grow your forearm muscles to compensate for the growth of the biceps. It does kinda suck. Not gonna lie. To know that growth in one area causes you to realize the lack of growth in another area isn't really too encouraging, but it lets me remember that I need to keep working hard. I need to work on everything, not just the muscles that are fun to work on or the ones that I see everyone else working all the time. I need to cover everything.

I've noticed in my life that the closer I get to God and grow in my faith, the more I realize things in my life that need to change. Again, that thought does kinda suck. It sucks that as I keep going better and better, I realize how much farther I have to go, but it's necessary. I know that God never designed me to feel guilt or shame. That's not what I mean. What I mean is that as I grow closer to God, the things He finds offensive become more and more the things I find offensive. The things God doesn't want for my life become more and more the things I don't want for my life. I've got to always keep growing. I can't ever stop. I've got to cover everything, not just the fun stuff, and not just the stuff I see other people doing. My standard should be Jesus, and in order to get on His level, I've got to cover it all.

I challenge you to draw close to God. You'll see what needs to change, and you'll become the absolute best you can be.

"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life." (Psalm 139:23, 24 NLT)

Preacher curl: 90 pounds
Skull crusher: 100 pounds
Forearm rope: 32.5 pounds
Tricep push down: 125 pounds
Hammer curls: 55 pound dumbbells
Forearm Wrist curl: 30 pound dumbbell
Overhead triceps extension single arm: 50 pound dumbbell
Reverse curls: 120 pounds
Forearm db twists: 25 pound dumbbell
Single arm cable curl: 60 pounds
Single arm tricep cable push down: 60 pounds
Tricep bench dips: 34
Negative pull ups: 5 SLOW!!!

Best Songs of the Workout:
1. I'd Hate to Be You When People Find Out What this Song is About by Mayday Parade
2. Lover's Eyes by Mumford and Sons
3. Feel Again by OneRepublic

Till next time homies,
peace and much love.

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