I just wanted to reiterate the fact that I know absolutely nothing about what I'm trying to do. Every day is a learning process for me, and the more I learn, the more I realize how little I actually know. The only way I've survived without all of my limbs falling off is due to my team of professionals who really do know what they're talking about.
Yesterday, I had a great conversation with Jill (who I've talked about before - if you're looking for a great cardio workout, come check out her cycling class at 10am on Thursday mornings at the Oldham County YMCA). We were able to discuss the limits of the human body and how a lot of people keep pushing even when their bodies are telling them to slow down or rest for a while. When people keep pushing beyond that point, the result is almost always having an injury and being set back big time in their goals. She gave me some great advice about how to rest due to the minor injuries I've been getting more and more often.
Today (just like every day), I talked with Derek (my medical expert) who also gave me some advice on resting and some equipment I need to get so I make sure I don't hurt myself any more. I've been icing my arms every day just like Derek has told me to. There have also been some modifications made to my workouts so I don't get injured and I can protect and nurse the minor injuries I do have.
Along with those two, there have been many people I trust who have given me some great advice. Some different "experts" in their respective fields have made sure I stay safe and do the absolute best possible on this adventure.
This relates with what I learned today during my "spiritual workout". Jesus was hanging out with a bunch of disreputable sinners. He was eating with them and some Pharisees - religious teachers - came and asked Jesus why He would eat with such people. They were upset because He was being "unclean" by eating with all these people who were sinning all the time. In an unsurprising moment of genius, Jesus said this:
"Healthy people don't need a doctor - sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners." Mark 2:17 (NLT)
See, until I admit I don't know anything, I won't ever get help. If I walked around pridefully and pompous and wouldn't listen to the experts, I wouldn't ever get the help I needed. That's what Jesus was saying. He was saying we all need to admit we need His help. We're all "sick". We all need a "doctor". Jesus is the one who knows how to heal us. Just admit you can't do it on your own.
Today's workout was a bit different. I did not do the 5x5 because of my forearm splints. It was suggested to me by several members of my team to lower my weight and do higher reps and fewer exercises today and then take a rest from heavy lifting for the remainder of the weekend. So for today's workout, I cut in half the normal weight I would lift in each of these exercises and did five sets of twelve reps.
Rotation curls: 30 pound dumbbells
Overhead single tricep extension: 25 pound dumbbell
Barbell forearm curls: 55 pounds
Preacher bar standing curl: 60 pounds
Skull crusher: 60 pounds
Forearm rope: 20 pounds
Hammer curls: 30 pound dumbbells
Military push ups: 12x5
Forearm dumbbell curls (up and down): 12 pound dumbbell
Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Believe by Justin Bieber
2. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift
3. Diamonds by Rihanna
Until next time friends...
Peace and much love.
Just made my night seeing that you worked out to We Are Never Getting Back Together...you should listen to I Knew You Were Trouble By T. Swift next.