Tuesday, May 14, 2013

To Whom Much Is Given...

I wanted to share with you my biggest struggle. That's right - ministers struggle too. And my struggle is actually a huge one. What I struggle with the most is the ultimate sin. I feel like if there is one sin that is the worst, what I struggle with is it. Let me explain by telling you a story. 

My life is very public. Being on stages, on cameras, in front of people all the time is how I live. There are very few moments where I have any time not in front of someone. When you're constantly in front of people doing things those people enjoy, a lot of them say very nice things to you. People especially are this way when you're something different than what they always see. 

When I travel and speak, I try to be as outrageous as possible. I always try to push the limits and be someone who is full of surprises. An example of this has shown itself recently in my wrestling life. One of our announcers at Ohio Valley Wrestling, Gilbert Corsey, is also an anchor for WDRB news. He has started to learn a bit about me and thinks it's cool that I'm both a minister and a wrestler. So, Gilbert talked with the news company and they decided to do a story about me and another one of the wrestlers who also has a very interesting story. They interviewed me, filmed a match I was in, and followed along as I worked at church. It made me feel great to have someone interested in my story and wanting to show other people about it. Another part of this is that, because of the story, I was given the opportunity to wrestle at a huge OVW even this past Saturday. I'll be totally honest with you - I'm not a great wrestler. I'm just very blessed to have other people around who can cover it up when I make the several mistakes I make in the ring. I didn't deserve this opportunity and I am beyond grateful to have had it. So, it made me feel amazing to be able to wrestle at that event. All of those things together add up to the biggest struggle I have...


Now, many of you are probably thinking, "What?!??! Why is pride so bad? I was expecting Stu to be some drug addict or something". Nope. To me, pride is more destructive. Here's the reasoning behind my thinking. Pride is all about feeling like you are on top of the world. When you feel that way, you feel indestructible and you also feel like you know exactly what's best for you - better than anyone else. When I see myself becoming prideful, I see myself becoming much more destructive and am much more likely to say I know what's best for my life - even when it's against what God presents to me in the Bible. This is incredibly destructive. It becomes a cycle. Not only do I become more destructive, but I start to believe that my destructive sinful behaviors are what are best for me. Before too long, I'm deep in some sin beyond what I ever thought I would be. 

Jesus illustrates this point in Luke chapter 12. He says, "When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required." To me, this verse means something different than what a lot of people would tell you. To many, this passage means that you need to use your gifts for God's glory and the more gifts you have, the more you should be doing for Him. And I believe that is one of the lessons we can learn from this teaching. However, for me, I take it like this: 
"When good things happen to you, remember the One who is allowing those good things to happen. Why would God give you more good opportunities if you constantly take the credit for yourself. Remember that, at any moment, God could wipe you off the face of the earth and replace you. Don't be dumb, Stu. You're not that cool."

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that following God gets you good things. What I am saying is that when good things happen, remember that God is the giver of every good and perfect thing. Everything amazing that has been happening to me is all a result of God's goodness and I have no part in it. I just show up. And, what I would like to ask you is twofold. 

First, remember this in your own life. Remember that when good things are happening, God is the One who's allowing it to happen. He could stop it at any moment, so make sure you give honor and glory where it is due. 
Second, please help me to remember this in my own life. There are a lot of cool things happening and about to happen with me, and what I would hate is for a cycle of destructive sin to come as a result. Help me to remember that all my glory is actually God's. Help me to stay grounded. I ask this now because things have been going really well for me lately and I haven't been destructive, so I'd like to keep that going. And I can, but not alone. Help me out. Remind me who it is that allows every good and perfect thing. 

Everything that is yours came from Him, so make sure you realize it and help others to realize the same. 

"When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required." (Luke 12:48b NLT)

"Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." (James 1:17 NLT)

Till next time homies, 
Peace and much love. 

Make sure you check out Gilbert's story. It will be on Sunday, May 19 at 10pm on WDRB news.

Stretch after your workout! I know this seems stupid and so many people skip it, but it's so important. When you leave your muscles tensed up after a workout, it takes them longer to recover and your workout result could be harmful rather than helpful.

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