Monday, April 15, 2013

Bloody Aftermath from Mayhem in the Cage

On Saturday night of this past weekend, Ohio Valley Wrestling ( traveled to London, KY for a ten year anniversary show at the London Optimist Club. It was a great show with a packed crowd and the highlight of the night was a steel cage match. Doug Williams, the Ohio Valley Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion defended his title against James "Moose" Thomas. It was pretty insane. Right from the beginning, Doug and Moose were trading blows and throwing each-other back and forth against the cage. The crowd "oohed" and "aaahed" and cringed with every devastating run in these two had with the cage. When all was said and done, Doug held onto his title. 

(Moose, Doug, and Ref Chris Sharpe in the steel cage.)

Now, I'll say my involvement with this event was pretty minimal. I helped set up everything and I helped sell merchandise and a few other odd jobs. I wasn't really too into it all - that is, until the steel cage match was over. As Doug was walking backstage, another OVW employee looked at me and said, "Doug's back is split open". Having seen what these two had done to each-other, I wasn't too surprised. The cage is really fencing that is strapped together. So, there are lots of loose ends and pieces hanging off that could really cause some damage if hit the wrong way. I'm first aid certified, so I ran backstage to see if Doug was okay. What I saw was pretty intense. Doug was sitting on the stairs backstage, his back dripping with blood. When asked what happened, Doug said that when he was exiting the cage at the end of the match, a piece of it caught him on the back. 

Everyone was scrambling, trying to decide what to do. When I walked to the back, I said, "I have a medical kit in my car and I'm first aid certified. Do you want me to clean you up and bandage it?" Doug said, "That would be great". I ran to my car, got my kit and ran back to help him out. Below, you can see a picture of Doug's back and me cleaning him up. 

(Doug Williams' back and my hands, about to clean and sterilize the wound.)

The funny thing though is that when I had returned with my kit, someone else was in the middle of putting on concession stand gloves and was about to wipe off Doug's cut with paper towels that had been sitting in the concession stand. This might have done the job, and Doug may have been clean, but he definitely wouldn't have been sanitized. That cage is disgusting and there's no telling what kind of germs could collect on paper towels left sitting open in a concession stand. The equipment I used sterilized Doug's cut. The sterile gauze and Iso Quin gel not only made Doug look better, but it truly took care of whatever germs or infection had gotten down into his skin. 

In our lives, there are lots of things we can do to make ourselves look pretty "clean". We can choose to not participate in any major sin, or in any sin that we may get caught doing. We can choose to show up to church on Sundays and Wednesdays and do and say all the right things to the right people. But how is your heart? When people look at you, are they seeing someone who is clean and only looks good on the outside, or are they seeing someone who is truly pure inside and out? Has God changed your heart, or are you just doing a bunch of work to make everyone believe that you are what you say you are?

This week, during my Bible study using the "Through the Word" app (which I HIGHLY recommend for anyone), a quote was given. The pastor said, "Religion means doing 'Godly' things for yourself. Relationship means doing selfless things for God."Which one do you have? Do you have religion - which makes you look really clean, but is truly selfish, or do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ which will truly come into your life and make you pure - inside and out?

Don't live a "clean" life. Live a pure one. Don't work hard to look good on the outside, but let God work in you to make you truly good both inside and out.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 (NIV)

Looking for a different exercise for your biceps? I have recently begun to loathe working out my biceps simply because I feel like every single move is a curl. Here's a new one my friend, RJ, told me about: The Underhand Grip Bench Press.
Lay down on a flat barbell bench press. Instead of gripping the bar overhand, as in the classic bench press, grip it with an underhand grip (your thumbs pointing outward instead of inward). Make sure you have a spotter, unrack the barbell, and lower the bar to your chest and push back up in this underhanded grip. Make sure your lowering motion is extremely slow and controlled and you explode and power into it when you push up. It may feel awkward at first, but there's not a single bicep move I currently enjoy more. 

Till next time homies, 
Peace and much love. 

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