Thursday, September 20, 2012

Haters Gonna Hate

What I know for sure is this: Absolutely nothing is impossible.

I have been through too much in my life to believe that there is anything impossible in this world. I may not be able to do many things alone, but I can guarantee you that when you and I team up with God on our side, there is nothing we can't accomplish. There's one thing that has really been bothering me all day today and that's the haters.

In the past week, I've received quite a few messages or face-to-face chats with people who hear my story and then tell me there is absolutely no way I'll be able to do this. It's not like they just say that it's improbable or they've never seen it done before, they literally tell me it's impossible. Those are the people I can't wait to prove wrong. I'd like to say it doesn't affect me at all, but if I'm completely honest with you, it hurts when people downplay my goal or make it out to be this unachievable task. As I thought about it more though, I realize they just don't understand.

See, alone, I am completely incapable of doing this. There is absolutely no way that Stu Perry on his own has the knowledge or commitment to make this happen, but the great thing is that I am not alone. I have so many people surrounding me who have helped me through so much and have committed to continuing to help me throughout this process. Not only that, but I really do feel like God is on my side. I think this blog is being used in incredible ways to reach out to people who wouldn't ever have listened to God's messages. I pray that's the case. I pray that someone will find something meaningful here and really be able to understand God a little bit more because of it. I am not alone. No one should be alone.

What I realized today is that we can really affect someone by the things we say. We have absolutely no idea what people are going through at the moment our lives intersect with theirs. We could be the best or worst thing to happen to them at that exact moment. We can encourage or discourage. We can make them feel like they are connected or we can make them feel alone. We can make them feel as though this life is possible or as if there's no way to continue. I challenge you today to always be a person who is an encourager. Help people throw off the burdens they have and run this race we call life with everything they've got. Run next to them through good times and bad and pick them up when they fall down. Be there for people in real, tangible ways. There's no way I would be where I am today without people who did the same for me.

You can do it. Just reach out.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us." Hebrews 12:1 (NLT)

Thank you to all those of you who have helped me "strip off my weight" and "run".

I was going to end the post there, but I decided to thank those of you who have really meant a lot to me on this journey exclusively. There are so many more people who have encouraged me in other ways, but in my attempt to "Become Bane" there are some key people who I can't not mention. Feel free to skip right over this section if you're not interested, but to those of you who have helped me, I just need to say thank you.

First, my parents. They are just awesome. They've been there for me through everything and have encouraged me and oohed and awwwwed at my muscles when nobody else thought they were anything.

Buddy Howard, my pastor, who has just been an unbelievable encouragement to me in my faith. Without him, there is absolutely no way I would be here today doing this.

My friend, Brad Kurnick, who is just a 16 year old "kid" but has been there for me more than tons of people my own age.

Mitch Lyon, Derek Sword, RJ Graziul, Mike Forte, Daniel Pulliam, and Jacob Sword who have encouraged me every step of the way with my fitness and with my life. They are awesome at just shooting me a text message or giving me a phone call or talking to me face-to-face and encouraging me in the little ways that other people don't think are important.

Jill McClay who has been a great friend and trainer for me since day one. I want to mention all of the trainers at the YMCA below, but Jill has been there for me since the beginning. I can remember being scared to go into her class because it was the first I'd ever taken at the YMCA, and she welcomed me in and made me feel awesome for being there. She has encouraged me, given me tips, and told me to never give up. Even just this morning, I was in her cycling class and she told everyone about this blog and then encouraged me and told me it was possible. She has just been an amazing encouragement to me and I can say there is no way I would be able to be where I am today in my fitness unless it was for her. Thank you.

Heidi Molinari who makes me feel awesome every time I walk in and out of the YMCA. She always has a smile on her face and reminds me that happiness is a choice. She has believed in me from the beginning and is such an incredible encourager. She talks with me about real life and also tells me to keep going even when I'm tired and don't feel like it. She makes fun of me when I miss a day or when I make excuses, and I couldn't thank her more for that. She's a great lady (not snippy at all).

To John, Toni, and all the rest of the trainers at the YMCA, thank you for taking time whenever you see me to just walk over, encourage me, and help me through whatever I'm doing. Thank you for believing in me and for helping me accomplish everything I've ever wanted.

To Kathy and those in the Saturday morning boot camp class, thank you for encouraging me both spiritually and physically. Thank you for not letting me make excuses and for making me feel like a part of something greater than myself.

To all those of you (too many to mention) who have made a Facebook post, comment, tweet, text, phone call, or face-to-face encouragement you will never know what that really means to me.

I hope I can mean as much to you in your lives as you have meant to me in mine.

Today's workout again followed the 5x5 plan explained in day one's post. I have recorded it here as I did the first workout I recorded.

Barbell bench press: 200 pounds
Single arm dumbbell row: 70 pounds
Dumbbell incline bench press: 75 pound dumbbells
Lat pull-down wide grip: 125 pounds
Lying chest pullover: 75 pounds
Seated back flies: 35 pounds
Deadlift: 205 pounds
Dumbbell decline bench press: 75 pound dumbbells
Wide grip weighted pull ups: 20 pound dumbbell strapped to my waist
Slow plyo push up: 5x5
90 second weighted plank: 25 pounds

Best Songs of the Workout:
1. Feels So Numb by Rob Zombie (Recommended by Andy Wood. It was one of the first and best songs of my workout today. Thanks man!)
2. Gonna Be Alright by Rhett Walker Band (Recommended by Bonnie Lawrence. Thanks so much for the recommendation. You were right, the timing is perfect for lifting!)
3. One Thing Remains the Kristian Stanfill/Passion Version

Thanks so much everyone. Over 600 views in 5 days. WOW!!!

Till next time, peace and much love.

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