Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Match Has Been Announced!

Tonight I was told who I will be facing in two weeks at my very first wrestling match. I will be getting in the ring with a tag team partner, Robert and we will be facing off against Jonathan (OVW's first ever deaf wrestler) as well as...Nick Dinsmore - former WWE Superstar!!!

It is going to be an amazing match, people! With Nick's 19 years of experience in the ring, our match is sure to be a highlight of your evening. And one thing is for sure - I can trust every single one of the guys in my match. There is no one who worries me or makes me feel uncomfortable at all. Working with them will be an absolute pleasure and I know that we will not disappoint you.

Every day, we "work" with God. He's our boss. Last week, I told you that there is one more promise of God I wanted to talk about. That promise is that, with Him, life will be far greater than anything you can imagine. Just like my match, working with the pro will make it so much better. He knows what he's doing and so if I listen to and trust him, we will be sure to wow everyone. God wants to do the same for you!

He is always at your side - we talked about that last week. This week, I want you to know that if you'll listen to Him as He guides you at your side, your life will be far greater than anything you could dream of. That doesn't mean tough times won't come and it doesn't mean that you'll get everything you want. It means that you'll get what's best for you and no matter what happens, you'll see there is an amazing God doing amazing work in your life.

Have you experienced that? Do you feel like God is in control? Do you feel like your life is far greater than anything you could imagine? If not, maybe tonight is the night to surrender. Ask Jesus into your heart and tell Him that you want what He's offering you - life to the fullest.

Know He's there. Trust Him. Live a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Jesus speaking: "The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." (John 10:10 NLT)

If you accepted Jesus, or would like to know more about what that means, contact me at biggodlittlestu@gmail.com
I'd be happy to talk with you!!!

Till next time homies,
Peace and much love.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

What's In There?

I've had so many questions about what lies inside of the wrestling ring. People have all different thoughts and ideas about what it's actually made of. Most people believe that as we flip and fall, we are actually landing on a mattress-like surface that causes no pain and has zero chance of injury. That thought is very false. I'd like to walk you through the steps of how a wrestling ring is put together. The following pictures were taken from this movie.

The first step is to set up the frame. As you can see in this picture, the frame is formed by four large steel posts - one at each corner. And those are held together by steel pieces which lock in to each post. 

After the frame is set up, there are steel beams which lay across the entire structure. These beams help the structure to spring as well as add the support so the ring doesn't fall down. You can also see in this picture that there are cables which run underneath the ring. These cables ensure that the force of the ropes pulling at the top don't cause the structure to collapse. 

On top of the steel beams, there are wooden 10x16's. These wooden beams help add a complete surface to stand on as well as the loud "pop" noise that you hear when a wrestler hits the ground. 

On top of the wood, there is padding. In the ring pictured above, there is only stacked layers of carpet padding. At OVW, we use a professional pad, but even then, it's only about a quarter of an inch thick. 

Once the entire ring is constructed, you can put on the mat, apron, turnbuckles, and ropes. 
Then, you have a finished ring. 

As you can see, the surface we land on is anything but "cushy". I'm being trained to land the best way I can and be hurt the least amount possible, but that doesn't mean there's not pain involved. To me though, it may not be comfortable, but it's worth it. 

That's how the Christian life is. So many times I think people become Christians thinking it's this big, cushy lifestyle and it's not. God never promises that everything will be easy when you become a Christian. As a matter of fact, He promises the opposite. He promises there will be trouble and hardships. But the other promise He gives us is even better. 

God also promises to always be with us. No matter what's going on, we will never be alone and we can always rely on Him. What we need to do is be trained - both by our own personal spiritual devotion and by the Christian brothers and sisters we surround ourselves with - so that when we do face those hard times, we can "land the best way" and "be hurt the least amount possible". 

There's one more promise I want to talk about though. That promise will be talked about in next week's post. Reflect on your life today and realize that God is always there. Then check back this coming week to learn one more promise God makes to us. 

Jesus Speaking: "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NLT) 

Until next time homies, 
Peace and much love.